MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 5 days left, time to thank a LOT of user...

5 days left, time to thank a LOT of users...

So there are a lot to thank on this board and Id rather do it sooner > later (DO I trust IMDB to stay open until 20th....yea, but man this came out of no where). I want this out by the 10th, I started around the 5th tyo make small notes of people I left out. IF you were left out it might be because I honestly missed you, forgot, or you havent posted here in awhile. So I figured get this out before last moment, 20th is the plan. It sucks all this is happening as I enjoyed conversations with so many people. SO Im gonna do my best to give thanks to all I can, thoughts, stuff I remember and all that good stuff..


Edit - Quick rant, you dont gotta read this, just go to the ________
I meant to get this out on the 10th (As noticed by the first paragraph), McAfee has been a ****ing di** lately. It keeps making my internet freeze, Im so close to uninstalling it, wtf is the point. I thought it was just me, went to McAfees help site (After I do a hard reset on my computer, been like the 3rd time, ty mcafee Im sure that's GREAT for my computer) and a lot of people are having this issue. I own 3 laptops, I have McAfee on two (One is nearly brand spanking new) and that one is doing the same stupid thing. AT&T offers mcafee for free when you have them. Wow what a perk! "Here take this program and watch your internet freeze and your browsers dont work"
WHERE DO I SIGN UP! I dont wanna uninstall it but im getting to the point of no return. I heard they are gonna try and fix this...IN MARCH!? Yea, I think I can use windows or avast or avira for a little bit until you sort your **** out. Ok sorry for the rant. Just this BS is irritating as all hell.


One small request, please try and keep this one little thread positive. You want negativity, trust me so many threads you can find that. Im asking please try and keep all this positive, I know if someone wants to be a d*** they can, but I figured Im gonna ask. So with that.....lets go:

Major/Ant - You two bailed, left when Trump won, didnt stick around like others. Took your ball and went home. I figured Ant might, man you were cocky about Trump losing in the primary and the election, and after the election you would have taken some massive jabs....for maybe a week, but it all would have disappeared. A lot of us were wrong but we showed, took our lumps and some even gave us respect for at the least showing up. Major, out of everyone I really thought youd come back. You didnt and I was shocked by that man. Purely shocked, idk if youve even posted a darn thing after the Nov 8th...what happened!?

Hashtag_STFU (Deleted) - I wonder what happened? Look, I did appreciate your thoughts but I hope maybe be a little more civil. Yes, we fight against the right, but theyre still Americans with different views. A big reason a lot didnt take you seriously is you just screamed at people.

Movie - I havent seen you in forever (I forgot his entire sn) he was here a lot during Aug-September. (I hope my buddy hashb remembers who Im talking about). Another guy who respected my views and a big Trump guy. No one thought you guys could win, and you did it man! Congrats for staying strong and I wish Id seen more of you! Im sure you were out celebrating! Good for you.

Bishop - IDK why people label you as some insane nut right winged. I remember I said what you were almost from the get go, by seeing things you said. Youre not "alt-right" or "insane" to the right, youre center right. No one who is nuts right would vote Kerry in 04. No one who is insane right would give Obama a slight Edge over Bush Jr (Even though you think both sucked, you still gave that baby edge to Obama. You were also always respectful to me man. Wish you the best.

Edgeworth - I know you arent around but I did enjoy all your posts. Seriously, you always had something intelligent to say. IDK if youll even see this but I enjoyed the little time we had on the Obama board. I get why you stopped doing this, I could tell you were just burned out. I hope one day you get the itch again. Sadly, if you do, it wont be here :(

Eddys - I wish you'd posted more. Youre a really logical dude and my only regret is you not posting here more.

Hulkamania - I wish we could have spoken more, the 1-2 times we did, I enjoyed the conversation. You were respectful and polite, I hope you make it man. A company deserves your skills.

Brian - Im glad you came along for the ride and didnt just stay on the Obama board. It was nice having the Trump posters and the Obama posters all in one place and Im glad you came along on the bus. (Even though us dems gotta sit in the back....oo sick burn..against myself!)

Steviez - I remember when I started you hated Major and Myself, I think as things went on, I hope that subsided. I appreciated your honesty on why Kewl called you the nickname you did, you didnt spin it, you were honest. As youll see later (If you care to read others) I am a man who loves honesty. I hope you have at least respected me in the end, Im also sorry I didnt see more of you my friend.

KDimmick - Sigh...well, lets do my best. I wish youd be more respectful of others views and respectful to people in general. I hope one day youll be more open to views other than your own. Also I am sorry your goodbye thread got deleted, that's so wrong. I still wish you the best in life, and hope you find happiness. I never wish ill will on anyone, and I def wont start now. As odd as it seems, Ill miss you in a way, lol. All things come to an end, eh?

Ducky - Youre not a bad guy, I just wish youd given people on the left a chance over blocking them all. I wish youd been more understanding, but youre not a bad person. I hope maybe in the future, you at least are willing to hear from the other side. I wish you well.

Roth - Keep fighting for Israel!

Satan - Enjoy Breitbart man! Hope the best for you.

Sally - Good luck with whatever you do.

Rouses - I had np going to bat for you when some jackoff was bad mouthing you. Youre another good poster Im gonna miss when this all ends on the 20th. Even though we were on opposite sides, you were always kind to me and I always appreciated that. I wish you the best man, youre a good guy.

Zeke - You are one character man! I wish at times I would have saw you more serious because when you were, you actually did make some good posts. I hope you find another board (Look at the end of this, I will post another board that hopefully will get popular....again wait till after the 20th, some will quit, others will find new places.) I hope I see you at that new place, my handle will always have shady in it. You see a "shadydawg" or this sn, most likely, it will be me. I hope you come along for a new ride!

Kewl_Kat - O Kat, lol. If you are what you say you are (Now we will never know, we will never know if Kat is the next coming of Jessica Alba or a middle aged man from the episode of Southpark "Make love not Warcraft" (You know, the fat guy the 4 boys defeat).Youre 18, and when I was 18, I didnt give a darn about politics. So with that, youll learn a lot as you get older, trust me.

Flosive - Youre another good soul, I remmeber when I first started, that kid Chris accused me of being you so many times it was insane. It was nearly exciting to see you come around so I knew who I "was." In the end you always also made good points and weree glad you were around my friend.

Bioslave - I wish you the best man. Stay strong to your views and always speak how you feel man. I wish you the best in whatever you do. Be who you are and stay who you are. Also, ty for that racist of dems history, I learned a lot and even though we dont agree (big time) I still learned a lot of history from that, so ty for that. Wish you the best man and continue to fight the good fight for conservatism.

Biofree - Man, I dont think we ever had one harsh word towards each other. IMHO, youre def not anything near "PC" culture. You simply state how you feel, even if I disagree, I respect the boldness. I was glad to see you also think the whole religion thing is a way to just control people, you dont fall for it either. TY for also posting here. (PS It was cool also seeing a fellow wrestling fan. I got out of it around 2004, but I always read results and a huge youtube channel I love: Wrestling With Wregret. If you enjoy wrestling, or have, as I remember you first like me heard of Trump from WM5, give that YT channel a shot, I think youll enjoy the content).

Sam - First, ty for acknowledging me in your ty post as well. I think (There was one poster I wasnt sure about) only one on the left you mentioned. Man you stayed strong during this entire election. You got it from Cruz fans, Bernie fans but you stayed the course and now look. So many people on the right who said "No, we wont go to Trump" ARE going to Trump. Youre a strong man my friend and you stayed the course, and now people are asking if they can join the bus. You were one of the leaders of that bus man.

Wintermonk - I wish we could have debated more. You were a civil guy and it sucks we literally got to debate near the end. Youre another good person, and I wish you well.

Bob - Man it sucks you came in the game late. I enjoyed a lot of what you were saying, shame we didnt see more of you.

Jeff, Morrison, Doggie & Smiley - Thanks for always fighting the good fight. Smiley you were around, not a lot when I came here same for Jeff. You two are another two the left needs on their side. I hope I see you two again on another forum (Might be hard, Ill always try to stick to this sn or something with "shady" in it. If you see "shadydawg" another moniker I used when I was young, might just be me my friends.)

Ara and Pippy - Another two who fought the good fight. You two came around when Trump got in and stuck around. I enjoyed both of you, as you both imho were honest and usually insanely respectable. I dont recall either of you throwing name calling around and def are not happy with Trump. Hopefully we put out someone better, and I hope I see you both in 2020 getting Trump out of there. I hope the DNC listens to us, the true people on the left and makes a fair primary. Best candidate wins. Thanks for coming when you two did.

D_Fens - Another guy on the left I was glad was here. Youre harsh to those on the right, but you and I never had a bad word to say about each other. You were right wih me on the entire rap music conversation and brought a lot to that table. When youre on your game, man you bring it, punches come a flyin. Im glad you were here too, dont worry, dems will come back. We will need people like you on the trenches. Fight the good fight man, ty for always fighting that good fight for the left my friend.

Quinn (JTF) - Man you take **** from the right. In the end, I know people disagreed with you on a lot but I dont feel you deserved as much heat as you got. I hope you move up in the world, stay strong man. You also keep fighting the good fight for the left. As much as the right seems to hate you so much, I never did. I might disagreed with you at times, but there were times I agreed with you as well. Please, never give up hope, "we" the dems will be back my friend.

Miz - I appreciated your kind words as well. I have to say it was so refreshing to see someone on the right say,"yes, I think Trump should show his taxes." I think it's so respectable when someone can go against the majority of their party. I wish we would have seen more from you too.

Rustyhoop - Man, out of everyone, YOU nailed this election the best. I knew people for Trump who felt he had no shot. Not you, you stuck by your guns. In the end you were always insanely respectful to me, and I enjoyed a lot of your posts/convos we had. How some people treated you made me smh, and Im glad I stuck up for you when I could. I hope the best for you, your sister and your family. I have nothing but respect for you my friend.

Thor - Put you in the "Commie" Section (Youre coming up next my friend). I liked your comments, you are another respectable poster that seemed willing to learn and brought facts without name calling everyone. Also if you didnt know something, you'd ask. So refreshing, when everyone acts like they know everything, for someone to be honest. If you've read other people I commented on honesty goes a long way with me and I got that vibe with you my friend. I wish you'd came here sooner man, Im glad you at least came at the end.

Commie - It sucks because you were a new face I honestly enjoyed reading. You always made me laugh man, and it's a shame you came around now > a lot earlier. I really really wish youd been here sooner man. Sucks you come here near the end and it's all going like a fart in the wind. A lot of your posts made me smile and laugh and I appreciated that in such a serious forum as this. I wish you well my friend.

Dairy - Look at wintermonk (I Doubt wed debated). From what I've seen, you are a true asset to the left. If there was ever a "need to get some leftists together for a debate" you, snowflake, & dlancer would be three Id be like,"where are these two guys?" Yea Id def put you on any left debate team, pure beast mode man!

FK - Another guy on the right I highly respect. I mean when a big thing someone had on your was,"his sn is basically *beep* off" they dont got much substance do they? You, like herb, are more assets to the right. You guys are people on the left would love to take, ty for also always being respectful and the kind words you showed my way.

Hashb - I was glad to know you always spoke of me in high regard. It means a lot when people on the right at the least respect where I come from, even if you disagree. You have shown me nothing but kindness, and ty btw for the job you do for the US. I know what you do is hard work and ty, ty for putting your life on the line so we stay safe. Another person Im gonna miss, we might be on opposite sides, but it's nice to know when people on the opposite side respect your view. TY for every kind word youve shown my way.

Kibbles - Youve taught me a hell of a lot. You were never a d*ck to me, always insanely respectful and a true asset to the right. Even if I made a mistake you didnt throw it in my face or call me a name. You estabished your view in a respectful manner. People like you make me know the right has good honest people on their side. Whenever I saw you post I always knew it be respectful and full of information. Youre the type that made me a better person on the left and made me respect the right 10 folds more. Im gonna miss seeing your posts.

Herb - TY for all the kind words as well, you didnt care right or left, there were times you spoke how you felt (I hope you know what Im talking bout) and I appreciated that immensely.
You always seem to be right on point with so many things. Youre another person on here who always was polite and kind and I always enjoyed every conversation we have had. Even though Im on the left and youre on the right, there are things you said a lot of times that took center stances, and I like your way of thinking!

Snowflake - I put you in the "dlancer" category. (He's next, so maybe read his too because a lot of this applies to you too) You are the way dems must go, my only werent here more. You are another insane asset to the left. I always seen you were civil and respectful. (maybe youre center left? Regardless) I always respected your view as well.
You are another poster who I learned from. Im glad I read a lot of your posts and Im better off for it. Truly respectable, humble guy. You wanna see a good debate, watch this guy and anyone on the right go back and forth, youll get some good quality stuff, I promise you that!
TY for being here my friend.

Dlancer - Without you I'd probably went insane., you def kept me sane on this board many many upon many times. IDK a post you made I didnt agree with. You are the way the dems MUST go. TY for being here man. I appreciate you being here man, youre another person who helped me become a much more intelligent liberal. There were a few things I didnt know you did, and that is something else Ill miss...knowledge. (Yea I know I can look it up, but sometimes there are things I wouldnt think of looking up, why I enjoyed this board.)

Joe - You are honestly one of the best people I've ever run into, not politics wise, I mean in life in general. YOU are a massive asset to the right, massive. Even on topics we disagreed on BIG TIME, I dont recall you ever throwing a personal insult my way. YOU are N-O-T a reason the boards are closing, you are a reason boards like this should stay open. Shame man, you are probably someone who taught me so much about the right, it's insane. Not even the right, politics in general. Youve opened my mind up to so many issues. The debates we had made me a better person in general.
Im gonna miss a good ol' average Joe post. The 6+ months I entered and now am this is all ending, I am def leaving with a lot more in my liberal tool box. I thank you a bunch for that my friend. True admiration for you my friend. One other thing, youre so humble it's amazing. I honestly think youre the way of Ben Shapiro, if he saw how you debated, I believe youd make that man proud. I honestly believe there could be a calling for you to even become a politician, youre that solid. You made me realize the right has really good people in it, and youre def one at the top of that list.
Im really gonna miss seeing your posts man. TY for the things youve taught me and always treating me well. Didnt matter to you I was on the right or left, you just threw kindness my way. I cant thank you enough for that. I TRULY wish you success, happiness, and everything you want in life.
One more thing....if you ever decide to come to the, we'd take you in a damn heartbeat (I know I know it never happen but hey, we can wish right, lol!)
Seriously, you are an asset among assets. Stay strong my friend.

For the people I left out - I did my best. I started this on 5thish, and would make notes of posters I left out. I tried to include everyone I could, especially people I respected. If I left you out Im sorry, I tried not too. I tried to get every name I could, some I wrote more than others, some less, but to all, ty. Also, please again make this a ++++++++++++++++++++ thread. This is one thread to be thankful and for positivity, one last ride, lets at least end it in a high note. (Well 10 days left, still)

Edit 2 - Also I do apologize for some not writing much, some writing more. Sadly I crossed and saw others more than others, so if I didnt write much on you, please dont be offended. From what I saw, everyone here I list, no matter if you got one sentence or a paragraph, I respect you. Even if it was one small sentence, you earned my respect to be on this list, so please dont be like,"BASTAARD WROTE A DAMN STORY FOR JOE AND I GOT THIS!" If youre on here, youre a good person with good qualities and an asset to your side. I wanted to make this quick note.

Also I hope this place gets some folks, it seems ok. I hope I see a few of you join here, remember it wont be active most likely till the 20th, 21st-hell maybe even March 1st (I bet a lot take a break). I still hope I see at the least 1/3 of you there (More much better!)

Here it is:

If you join....awesome, if not, I hope I see some of you one day in the future. Also, FOR THE PEOPLE who have sent me PMs...this last bit if for you (You know who you are and Im not saying who):

if any of you did wanna add me on facebook (I doubt most would but I wanted to at least throw out the gesture) send me a PM. If not (Again i went back and forth on this myself) I TOTALLY understand.
I wish the best f


Very thoughtful and professional thread Shady

Thoughtful perhaps... but professional? Did someone pay Shady to make this thread?

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈
