
After all of the ridiculously good looking people they have had on Angel in one form or another, why on earth would they hire someone as hideous as her? I mean I know Joss had to find something for her to do after firefly, but come on.... When Angel says that she is soooo beautiful, I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. Leave her as the ultra hideous demon/god with the worms crawling out of her eye sockets - it is a vast improvement.


Are you ridiculous? Why the hell should it matter what she looks like anyway? You can have Lorn there or Doyle as a Deamon. But not a girl who in your mind is ugly. Did you start complaigning that when the vampires transform they aren't as attractive as they were before? And I would place her in the top 10% as far as beautiful women go in the world. You proboblyl just have your eyes fixated on a standard that you could never obtain... Or even be allowed to get 10 feet from.
