
After all of the ridiculously good looking people they have had on Angel in one form or another, why on earth would they hire someone as hideous as her? I mean I know Joss had to find something for her to do after firefly, but come on.... When Angel says that she is soooo beautiful, I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. Leave her as the ultra hideous demon/god with the worms crawling out of her eye sockets - it is a vast improvement.


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why do you say that? shes not that bad :o/


Excuse me but who made you god of the world, are you the most beautiful person alive, i highly doubt it. Gina Torres may not be the most beautiful thing on the planet but i am sure she is prettier than you because even if she had the worst personality in the world it would be better than yours! I thought she was not all that beautiful when i first saw her but her acting abilities made her grow on me and its not even that. We don't need what society calls perfect beuties on the screen any more, can we get somebody with more than arms that are the size of my pinky and thighs the size of my arm. It is ridiculous the standards we are forced to stand up to and there you go dissing ms. torres because she is not perfect. News flash none of us are perfect deal with it!.

BRYNA [email protected]


Not asking for perfection here - just anything decent. Didn't knock her body, which is in great shape - just the girl should get a nose job and some dental work :P And it is the fact that she was put in the context of a cast (Angel's), which is beautiful by ANY standards, that I had a problem with. If the cast was uglier, than it would have been no problem to call her beautiful. But to have someone as hideous as her, and then play off Amy Ackers as plain? That is just wrong. But I suppose we are each entitled to our opinion (I will refrain from making some deragatory comment about YOUR appearance btw).


David Boreanaz isn't exactly an Adonis.



I totally agree with you. The world today is focused on beauty and body types (i.e. being slim is beautiful, being fat is nasty). Everyone needs to open their eyes to the beauty within. You never know, you could be missing out on the love of your life if you never get past the outside appearance!



I totally agree with you. The world today is focused on beauty and body types (i.e. being slim is beautiful, being fat is nasty). Everyone needs to open their eyes to the beauty within. You never know, you could be missing out on the love of your life if you never get past the outside appearance!


Whats that about. Shes fine. Shes Larry Fishburnes lady man.
Shes a black beautiful woman man.
I like her and I think shes a good actress as well.
