MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > Man she has some nice legs.

Man she has some nice legs.

I know its sexist or whatever, but Kristen just has it going on in the leg department. She was on SNL not too far back where they did a Family Feud spoof and holy crap, she just looked great. Especially the leg part of her.
Two thumbs way up for Kristen Stewart's legs!
That's really all I have.


Ron posted a link to Kristen recently rocking a tweed Chanel suit on another thread, but thought it apropos to re-post it here as well, given the OP topic:

If this is not the very definition of legs for days in the strictest sense of the phrase, then I don't know what is.


I like that Totino's commercial she did with Vanessa Bayer.


Here's a link to this video for those who have not watched it yet:

Her guest host appearance on Saturday Night Live showcased how diverse of an actor she really is. I compiled a video with brief clips from her various SNL sketches:

My favorite, being that I'm a fan of the New England Patriots, was her Celebrity Family Feud sketch where she makes a mockery of Tom Brady's wife Gisele Bundchen:

Kristen has legs for days! And this video nearly went viral as it has over 21.5 million views, showing that many others appreciate her comedic prowess, some even claiming in the comments section that she looks better than supermodel Gisele. Of course I wouldn't go that far--but yes, nothing beats a great pair of legs!


Don't forget the Willy Wonka skit with the "scissoring" joke. (speaking of legs). LOL


LL, those were excellent skits on SNL!! I loved them. :)


IMO, Kristen showed more comedic range on SNL than nearly all of her feature film roles, Ron. I'm hoping that she's just as funny, or even more hilarious in Charlie's Angels. Of course, she does predominantly dramatic roles, so this explains the reason why.


I think she's objectively physically attractive.


So now it's sexist to think women are pretty nowadays? Hmmm, makes sense. Why can't we be equally attracted to men !?!? EQUALITY !!!!

(geez these leftists really got to you... don't let that happen man. reclaim your freedom of speech)


oh yeah
