MovieChat Forums > Bill Skarsgård Discussion > Will be playing Pennywise

Will be playing Pennywise

I just saw that he was announced as being cast as Pennywise the Clown in the remake of Stephen King's It. Thoughts?

I admittedly haven't seen enough of Skarsgard's acting to give an opinion, so that's why i'm asking. Of course Tim Curry was amazing, but try not comparing the two. This is a new vision, if you will, of the story. I'm actually hoping it's more true to the novel than the original movie was. This could literally be a HUGE EPIC thing if done right. But I can't imagine them doing this with just one movie. They'll have to do at least two to pull off what i'm hoping to see and to capture the essence of the novel.


I liked him alot on that weak show Hemlock Grove, he definitely has a good amount of talent. His character was really well writtne for the first 2 seasons but it was like a different one in the last season, felt a bit like he held back or was held back by the writing.

Playing Pennywise seems like a extremely risky move for such a young actor considering how iconic the former display was with Tim Curry. I dont think it was a good choice by him tbh, its honestly one of the most difficult ones to visualize seeing him in it. Hopefully it will be a surprise hit but the other actors look like its aimed at a very young audience mroe than the original even with alot of unknown young hollywood actors.
