Is she secretly attracted to transgender women?
As I mentioned in my last post, she doesn't just comment on them but seems obsessed with them!
shareAs I mentioned in my last post, she doesn't just comment on them but seems obsessed with them!
shareInteresting. By that logic, would the people obsessed with trying to cancel her be secretly in love with her?
shareI didn't say she needs to be cancelled. I'm just of the opinion that her comments about transgender people deserve scorn and ridicule. To elaborate, I didn't say stop reading her works. If anything the Harry Potter franchise has given younger, more open minded cast members their own platform to call out her bigotry. If you enjoy reading and watching Harry Potter, good for you. I for one, enjoy reading the works of VS Naipaul regardless of the accusations of Islamophobia and Afrophobia.
I can't speak for anyone else but if I were in love with her, I wouldn't deal with it by repeatedly making angry, irrational statements. I'm just putting the question out there... Assuming that a lot of homophobes are closeted homosexuals, does that mean a lot of transphobes are closeted skoliosexuals?
please provide a quote of her saying something that is actually offensive.
Just one example was her quote: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman."
Now this comment was in relation to police being required to respect a person's request to be identified by their gender identity when taken into custody (for any charge, not specifically sexual assault) and she took it out of context. It's comparable with people David Duke and Nick Griffin opposing laws that ban racial profiling and saying: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Dark-skinned/Bearded Individual Who Raped You Is a Black Man/Muslim Man."
There are plenty of other examples in the above link.
No. No one is.
shareOP: what you are doing is called deflection.
shareIf you are correct, how does that defend her track record of hate speech?
shareShe has no track record of hate speech, that's just a lie spread by people like you who are angry they can't force other people to share in their delusions.
shareWhat hatespeech, you delusional retard?!
Just one example was her quote: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman."
Now this comment was in relation to police being required to respect a person's request to be identified by their gender identity when taken into custody (for any charge, not specifically sexual assault) and she took it out of context. It's comparable with people like David Duke and Nick Griffin opposing laws that ban racial profiling and saying: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Dark-skinned/Bearded Individual Who Raped You Is a Black Man/Muslim Man."
There are plenty of other examples in the above link.
Is this trick still working in other parts of the world?
sharethis woman used to be the biggest libturd supporter but u homos have gone so far u even lost her support. u guys are losing everyones support. i used to tolerate gays and even supported them enough to get married and cheat on there tax returns, fuck it i said the homos are ight. now see how wrong i was. u homos are coming after the woman and worst of all children now and it is sick! now i realize the muslim fundamentalist were right all along, we should have kept u guys in ur place like they do and our children would be safer and happier
shareDo you seriously believe what happens to gays and lesbians in countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan is okay?? I for one don't agree Muslim fundamentalists have ever been right!
Anyway, regarding the protection of children, as I mentioned in a previous post, crime statistics tell us that transgender people face a much higher risk of being victims of sexual assault, not perpetrators.
not its not okay, its evil but it is keeping their children and woman safe from the degenerates. Us allowing the fags to come after our woman and children is more evil tho. It is the lessor of two evils, and now I understand why they do what they do. I no longer judge the muslim fundamentalists like barbaric animals, as I used too. We are the real barbarians, allowing fags to dress up in drag and read books to little children. The West are barbarians, fighting jewish wars because our corrupt media can rustle up an army of dumb rednecks to invade any nation. The Muslims just want to live a happy, peaceful, uncorrupted life. They are closer to God then us fools. I was fooled into tolerance and acceptance of the fags when I was younger and easier to manipulate by the school system and media system. but now I know how wrong I was. You cannot accept them and treat them as equals, they are degenerates and need to be kept in their places to keep society safe from their sickeness...
shareBut crime statistics tell us the majority of sexual offences are committed by straight, cisgender men.
sharecisgender?!? what the fuck is that?!? it means NORMAL right?!? thats like saying Polish drivers crash the most cars in Poland. We should blame the Polish and only allow Australians to drive there since statistics say they are safer drivers on Polish roads "statistically"
when u adjust the numbers based on population. A homosexual is actually 10 times more likely to be a pedo than a heterosexual. being attracted to assholes is a sickness. if u have that sickness it is more likely to have the even worse sickness of being attracted to kids
Correct. Straight, cisgender people are the majority of the population. However, I didn't say straight, cisgender should be presumed sex offenders for that matter either. It's only fair to assume that anyone is innocent until proven guilty regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or sexual identity.
sharenaw fuck all that libturd shit. homos should be kept AWAY from the children! woman should be allowed to play sports by themselves AWAY from sick faggots who wanna live in fairy tale land and PRETEND they are girls...
shareI don't know about whether transgender people should be able to compete in women's sport if they have different muscular and skeletal structures. On the other hand, as a separate issue, I don't see any reason why they are a threat to children any more than the general adult population. Do you agree with radical feminists who argue that men need to be segregated from women and children?
shareif its two men trying to adopt a kid then yes they need to be segregated. its one thing to be sick and be gay but to force society to give orphan poor kids to them as tribute then yes they should be "segregated". the gays have gone too far. they are losing the "acceptance" they once had
shareBut even a heterosexual couple can harm children. Just look at Fred and Rosemary West.
sharekids are in MORE danger when given to homos. so by allowing homos to adopt kids you are putting the rights of sexual degenerates over the rights of innocent pure children. Woman and Children are more important then homos. Homos serve no purpose to society. They dont procreate, they just fuck assholes and wanna be put on a pedestal because of it. society shouldnt have to sacrifice itself just for a small minority of assfuckers to feel good
shareNo it doesnt. Liar, liar pants on fire. You see: you have to divide it by how many percent of the population each race is, and then whites are far below blacks.
shareGirls and women can pretend to be boys and men, and boys and men can pretend to be girls and women. If they're serious about it, it's a creepy mental illness, but as long as they're not bothering anyone's their foolishness and not my problem. When they cross the line is when they insist normal people participate in their delusion by playing along with the charade and referring to them as "he" or "she", when that is not what they actually are. When they cross an even bigger line is when men pretending to be women enter women's restrooms, locker rooms, and prisons, and when men pretending to be women invade women's sports. Those transgressions need to be put to a stop, now.
What's wrong with these right wing radicals constantly posting about these trans issues and other social issues? So crazy how much of a priority they make that.
You're probably right. The most plausible explanation is that they are in love with them. Or how about this, maybe they secretly want to live as a gender that they weren't assigned at birth? Maybe JKR fantasizes about playing linebacker for the New York Giants and she's raging inside all the time because she doesn't have the nerve to admit it. And she hates the trans community because they are bold enough to live their truth.
OR, maybe we are just normal people annoyed by freaks being freaks loudly and demanding that we celebrate and support their perversions and delusions?
And have you noticed how often the trannies or their supporters are completely unhinged assholes?
Sex is actually a spectrum anyway. So if someone feels more at home as a male or female, there's no scientific basis for excluding them from their preferred sex.
share"Feels at home"?
In my day such shit was personal CHARACTER, or even just style. You have metro sexuals and macho men, you had tomboys and dykes, ect. It didn't mean that the guy that liked to use hair product didn't still have boy parts, or that the woman that wore steel toed boots didn't still sit to pee.
lol. You realize that future generations will look at us/you as a period of mass insanity much like the Salem Witch Trials? You've gone completely insane.