MovieChat Forums > Joe Rogan Discussion > Rogan is full Trumper now.

Rogan is full Trumper now.

with his anti trans rants.



woketards usually hate Joe already



reddit is a libturded circle jerk in general. the site is valuable for researching random obscure topics and such but you have to filter thru the horde if libturded shit on top of shit


I'm newer to reddit, but this is 100% true. You can tell tjlhey are the side with all of the losers, because they spend a significant amount of time going to reddit topics that they hate. I've never bothered going to a liberal based reddit, because they don't live in my head.


The side with all of the losers lol, so Junior High.


^spotted one of the losers


Tru dat.


Just means he's not retarded like the alphabet cult!


Well Globohomo has brought us to this. Choosing them or Trump. They wanted to force us Hilary and stole an election to force us Biden, and we see the damage he did to America...willingly, because he'd gladly take money to sell out America. Biden's always been dirty, just like Obama and the Clintons and the Bushs. When citizens try to fight back with Trump or Carter, Globohomo terrorists turn everything to shit just to create chaos and make the cowards and weak go crazy to change regimes. This is the weakness of allowing women and minorities voter rights. They are too easy to manipulate.


lol, then you are clueless as to what Joe actually thinks, if you believe this.


He's a leftist. Of course he's fucking clueless.


You're right. It's the paradox of trying be logical with a completely illogical person.


Mentally ill Democrats are now openly promoting mental illness. The most honest thing they’ve done since they opposed the civil rights act of 1964.


Smart people throughout history opposed trans, they were called doctors.


And now smart people don't oppose transsexuals. Find me a biologist that is opposed to it.


He will change his mind soon this is what he does.

I noticed how he changes tune depending on who he has on his show as well.


That is simply not true.🤣🤡


What was anti trans rant? That he doesn’t agree with men beating the shit out of women in mma? It’s amazing that you people will allow someone to get physically harmed rather than hurt someone’s feelings.
