Mental issues

Girl thinks she's a boy, laps off the chest, takes hormones and endures a life of medication and delusion.

The media: how brave


To be fair, the media even suffer from more retarded mental illness


What delusion exactly?


The very first thing the OP said.


Transsexual people have mixed sex characteristics. They are neither male or female but something in between.

You can argue he's delusional if he says he is a man, but the same applies to you: you (or the OP) would be equally delusional when you say he is a woman.


Yeah, today, I agree she is barely a woman.
She has mutilated herself to even remove basic human woman characteristics.

But she is still closer to a woman than she is to a man.


Should not take mental gymnastics to state the obvious, she's delusional for thinking she can be a man. A life of misery is what she set herself to


Was Page actually born with mixed sex characteristics? Never truly male or female but has always been something in between?


No. Ellen Page is not Intersexed. She is Gender Dysphoria, a Mental illness. She is and always was completely female.
Now she is just a female with mutilated genitalia.


That's idiotic. She was born with XX chromosomes, female sex organs, and breasts. She is a woman. Taking drugs and chopping parts off cannot change that. To understand that fact is sane. Only to believe otherwise is delusional.


you're describing an hermaphrodite


Exactly. The trans and trans activists always tout intersex people as some kind of evidence that bolsters their arguments but intersex people are an outlier of the population that number only 0.018%, a category all of their own. Gender dysphoria is a mental abnormality, intersex people have a physical abnormality. It's laughable when they try and conflate the two.


they conflate everything. Like trying to claim gender is different than biological sex... but Gender reassignment surgery only has two options. male to female, and female to male.


To say that Ellen Page is a woman is not "delusional", it's a fact. Tragically, she is now an irreversibly mutilated woman suffering from mental derangement.



It is a made up term.

Biology shows only two genders Male & Female this is a fact.

Can defects happen yes but you are still only one or the other.

Almost every person that claims to be trans or these other silly titles has mental health issues this is why the suicide rates are so high and even for ones that do transition with surgeries etc.


You're confusing transsexual with intersexual, which Page is not.


"Transsexual people have mixed sex characteristics. They are neither male or female but something in between."

Incorrect. You are trying to describe an Intersexed condition, not transsexuals.

Transexuals are either Male or Female, but suffer from a mental illness Gender Identity Dysphoria.

Intersex actually is a genetic mutation, a birth defect if you will... in which some sexual characteristics are incomplete or mismatched. And no... they don't have complete sets of both male and female genitalia.




Why four years thou?


Because around that time he has finished his own transition into a woman.


There is nothing a man can do, to transition into a woman. That's like painting your hair blue and expecting everyone to belive that's now your natural hair colour


Thanks for missing my point, though.🍆


Anytime 💩


It's not brave. It's a mental disorder.


She’s probably giving others mental issues, too.

For instance, here’s Michael Cera (Page’s co-star in Juno who knocked her up) today:


That was probably an early intimate experience for him, captured forever in film archives. If Page were really a man, she’d know how analytical men can be. She has passive-aggressively infected the thoughts of everyone who ever worked with her. It’s evil behavior.

Unless Cera and others don’t believe it’s real, which is very possible. I’m convinced it may be a propaganda publicity stunt for an actress who stunk & who burned her bridges.

Trannies are easy to hate… and it has nothing to do with their presumed gender dysphoria. It’s because it’s incredibly selfish to not just do your best in life and try to conform and assimilate. After all, it’s nobody’s fault but their own, and maybe they should take it up with their god, instead of trying to spread the neurosis to others, too!

I give no quarter to the enemy. Damn the LGBT! As a society, we need to force them to suffer in silence or be committed.


I tried to read this post but came out scratching my head.

Perhaps YOU need medication. You sound insane and hateful, good luck with that.

I hope people have more compassion for you than you've shown for others.


I've just plainly shown compassion, explicitly & implicitly, to Michael Cera, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Patrick Wilson & others who shared intimate moments w/ "Elliot" Page.

You people have to learn that you cannot please everyone in life. I understand the urge to try and I did as a bleeding heart in my 20s. Now in my 40s, one begins to realize you NEED to pick a side on this issue especially. If you're straight, the most anti-humanistic approach to life is to kowtow to these mutations over the natural order. I'm not religious, but if I were, I would certainly consider it sinful & traitorious to do so.

Believe me, the fags are certainly not going to outcast themselves for the rest of us. For them, it's "do as I say, not as I do." I shit you not, I literally had a public figure (a man who's gay), who refused to acknowledge heterosexuality at a convention and tried to seduce me & get me to take my shirt off. I don't believe he was drunk. He damn near pulled a Kevin Spacey on me. Their neurosis has made them sociopathic & they should be committed as they were in the '60s & prior.

If I saw Ellen Page now, I wouldn't, like, bully & cuss her out irrationally. (Although I'm sure she's flip out at me!) I would calmly share my viewpoint of her selfishness for choosing to be a public figure as a woman, & then instead of crawling away if she made a mistake, she just outs herself & tries to monopolize the Screen Actors Guild just as the tranny athletes are making women's records disappear.

I believe it's as damaging to society as anything Joseph Goebbels could ever have come up with. Perhaps worse.

I picked my side. Humans, straight—the side that can procreate, have REAL marriages, raise healthy children, & present themselves to the world the way that makes sense for most of us.

We don't need to burn the LGBT at a stake, but they MUST lose. They MUST be marginalized for the good of society. It needs to be seen as the mental illness that it is—not an acceptable lifestyle choice w/ flair.


every great and wise man was in his forties


Only dead fish go with the flow.


People like this are the ones trapped in the closet the most


I’m getting real fed up with this site and it’s users and that is not limited to those who disagree with me, but also those who share similar ideology even.

Nobody provides thoughtful discussion anymore like they did on IMDb when I was stationed at Pearl during Operation Burnt Frost. Just a bunch of thumb-sucking kids nowadays who like to throw nonsense grenades.

If you don’t have something substantial to say, don’t reply.


Have you ever had a gay experience? Why not try it? You may like it ;)


Obviously another attempt to get me irate, or somehow get back at me or the OP. Not gonna work, and here’s why…

I’m old enough to remember a time where gays faced systemic bullying, discrimination and lack of equal rights including marriage.

I supported them then despite feeling repulsed. That repulsion is a natural response to exposure to counter-intuitive sexuality, which is what provoked the discrimination for millennia.

Here’s where things changed. It became clear by examining the downfall of Western society and values, that if you placate them… honor pride and display rainbow flags and so forth—then instead of being grateful for your understanding, they just flaunt it and become full-on degenerates.

It didn’t help with Trump as president, because they saw a crude chauvinist and took it to represent the straights. Bill Clinton, too, in the 90s.

Most people consider sexuality a private, personal matter, though. There is no “locker room” talk. So, when you advocate for others to share your sexual desires, and express them, well, shit… you might as well get a tattoo on your forehead that reads, “low class slob.”

My two cents.

Follow President Bush or Obama’s example of family values if you lack positive examples of human virtue, which I would guess to be the case. Did they go around slapping their wives asses, grabbing at the pussy, and taking their children to drag shows and pedophiles rings? No, of course not.

Be a decent human and focus on what you have between your ears, and not the autonomic response of your stank ass genitals.


Trump haters secretly want to fuck Trump ;)


The mentally ill are gonna mentally ill. Sadly we have the Democrat media/party and their lemmings to enable them instead of help them.


The worst part is the enabling of the mental illnesses by the leftists.


They’ve been exploiting the homeless doing this for 50 years.


See if this makes sense.

Ok, so chic believes she's really a dude so has to have operation to make herself a dude..


I recently checked out the procedure to turn a penis into a "vagina"... I'm telling you man that thing is sick.... No different than bmezine


But Page would be trying to get a penis, not getting a vagina.


It's even worse, they graft a part of the leg to hang the dead meat you know where.

It's not even debatable to me, people that undergo such procedures and set the self's up for a life of lie and medication are MENTALLY ILL


So if she says she’s a guy, does this mean that if she were to go jogging and it was 90 degrees outside she would not wear a sports bra? How about if she went to the pool? Would she be topless there as well? Pretty sure she’s going to get arrested for indecent exposure or does identifying as the other gender shield you from any legal recourse?
