It is a featureless base upon which various traits have been sculpted to it, to present an almost cartoonish vision of what it perceives are male features, particularly the so-called 'six pack abs' (which are completely fake) Change my mind.
Something I am noticing more and more is that trans people are looking more and more like gay male fetishes.
For example, transwomen look exactly like drag queens, Old Hollywood and comic con cartoon characters.
Some transmen look like stereotypical biker "Daddies" or something out of a Tom of Finland cartoon but the younger ones are looking exactly like twinks. If you compare images of Elliott Page and other trans males on YouTube you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. They all look like the type feminized young men that is a fetish in the gay community.
And when the powers the be in the movie business tend to be gay men, isn't that the best way to try and get ahead? I mean look at the fashion industry, the majority of fashion designers are gay men so it makes sense that they tend to pick boobless women that look more like young boys than women.