MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Why is the Right so inclusive of Bruce K...

Why is the Right so inclusive of Bruce Kaitlyn Jenner but not Ellen Elliot Page?

Does it have something to do with if they can brainwash even transgenders into supporting them then they will support them back? Because we all know damn well the Right can't stand transgenders and really hates Elliot page. Or is it because she was a woman and that makes her an easy bullying target? But because Bruce is a big decathlete he's not so easy to bully. Trying to figure out the bizarre world of the Rightists here.

Quick! Name a woman!!


I've seen many on the right that actually oppose Jenner.


Because the GOP loves parading around minority celebrities like royalty, as long as they are on the conservative side. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just saying.


That's an interesting question. The trolls who pile in against Elliot are absent from Kaitlyn's page. Perhaps some of them could answer.


Funny, because they always seem to hate on and bash trans women, but are usually silent about trans men. Maybe it's because "Ellen" had that freakout moment a few years ago on Colbert calling out Mike Pence for his beliefs about LGBTQ people and "she" was thrown into the "crazy hysterical liberal looney SJW" category by conservatives.
Those "liberal freakout" videos are a lot of conservatives' bread and butter on youtube. People like that are red meat for conservatives. Even though the points might be decent, all they see is "looney liberal."


Same reason the Left does the opposite.


We're not.


I don't care about either of them but if either of them are/were worth voting for, I would vote for them.

That said, I'm not calling "Eliot" a man and I'm not calling "Kaitlyn" a woman.


Are you really trying to figure something out or did you just hate post some bullshit?

I'll answer for you since you will likely just lie to me.

You posted hate-filled bullshit.


can she pee standing up now? a lot of women have penis envy...
