jon smith movie guy. If her daddy wasn't-you know who-she'd be waiting tables in Tribeca.
sharejon smith movie guy. If her daddy wasn't-you know who-she'd be waiting tables in Tribeca.
shareWith her looks, you're probably right. It's a tough world out there.
shareI like her face. She's not exactly generic.
sharedrag-man on HRT
shareEllen Page was more like that.
sharelook at some open transgender transformations on youtube, and you'll see just how easy it is for them to flip. And, some of these HellyWeirdos are actually flipped very early (*like with hormone blockers in the womb!). yeah, a ton of them are transformers, and you can tell as they age b/c the hormones start having less and less of an effect over time. Look at Stephen Tyler or Joni Mitchell. They are slowly flipping back to their real sex.