If this woman doesn’t do jail time, it will be a travesty.
Travesty? When I think of miscarriages of justice that qualify as a travesty, I think of Casey Anthony or O.J. Simpson.
The first point of prison is to protect the public from the convicted menace. There was never any public danger from Huffman or Loughlin or any other of these privileged snobs nor will there ever be.
The second point of prison is prevent (or minimize) recidivism. It's unlikely that she'll ever be able to pull that off again, even if she did have younger children not yet in college.
The third point of prison is to punish and set a precedent as a lesson to others. I think the public humiliation and loss of career is quite a bit of punishment, and I'll bet pretty much anyone else who was in the process of doing the same thing suddenly backed out, so the public exposure and humiliation did a lot of good to prevent this from happening again.
Yet there still must be a punishment from our judicial system, and I think a hefty fine and community service is plenty.