Faced scrutiny over his alleged sexist behavior, surviving numerous on-air blunders during his tenure, like in February when he declared Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley "isn't in her prime" at age 51.

Lemon is a misogynist and hates women of color.


That blows.

Or sucks.


he sucks :)


Good. He is a misogynist who deserved to be fired. He doesn't belong on CNN. Maybe Fox News will hire him. He'll fit right in.


He would be a better fit at MSNBC with that liar Jen Pukepsaki.


Glad you’ve admitted that your cult leader is a misogynist, it seems I’ve been getting through to you.


I don't consider Lemon my cult leader you fucking retard.


He absolutely is you stupid snowflake.


That's quite an assumption you've made there, Cletus. But as usual you're wrong because I can't stand Lemon but I don't expect any less from a low IQ retard like you. I bet your stupid mother dropped you on your head more than once. Funny you call me a snowflake when you and your ilk have been throwing nonstop hissy fits over Bud Light. I can't imagine going through life being frightened of transgenders. I bet you've never met a transgender in your entire life. Oh, drag queens arent transgenders, dumbass.

I'm done talking about this issue because you are you have limited intelligence and are a waste of time but since I'm a better man than you I'll let you have the last word.


LOL please show me where I have thrown a "nonstop hissy fit over Bud Light"? I once asked who Dylan Mulvanny was and what the fuck was up with the left's obsession over him but that's really about all I said.

Please show me the post, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker.

And in case you give a shit, my Dad is a transexual.

Guess it seems you're tapping out now. All I can say to you is get out of your cult and salvage whatever you have left that even resembles intelligence or integrity.


Cult 46 is the worst.


You repeat whatever Don says, so he is your Cult 46 leader.


CNN anchor Don Lemon furious after being fired


Fucker Tarlson was fired dude was A Conservative and Homphobe


No one likes lemon.


He was scared of gay people? Please cite your sources.


Dang. You've never watched Tucker, have you? Many of his favorite commentators are openly gay.

There's a whole conservative gay community out there. Come to Twitter and follow @GayPatriot. You'll meet LOTS of gay conservatives. It sounds like you need to get out of your bubble.


I hope he goes to jail.


Maybe he can share a cell with Trump.


Except Trump didn't do anything, if anything AG Bragg should go to jail for weaponizing the justice system against his political opponents. Diaper Joe should be throw in there as well along with his crackhead son.


Your twice impeached indicted one term disgraced ex-president Trump is gown down. I've got my popcorn ready.


LOL yeah twice impeached for bogus charges that your cult leaders are literally guilty of. By the way how did those impeachments work out for you?

If we had a fair justice system Diaper Joe, KKKamala and the rest of your cult leaders would be behind bars.


Biden and Harris will never see inside of a courthouse, Cletus. That obviously angers you. The impeachments worked fine. Trump will always be know as the only twice impeached ex-president. Just because the Republican run Senate was too spineless to convict Trump means nothing.


I know they won’t, because we have a corrupt justice system that systematically favors your cult. Make no mistake, if everything were the same but those two scumbag were Republicans they would be in prison by now as would anyone associated with them.

LOL, your two fake impeachment witch hunts went nowhere, your far left J6 witch hunt went nowhere. If you had a shred of integrity you would be calling for Diaper Joe and KKKamala to be jailed but you won’t because you won’t ever go against your cult you spineless fuckwad.


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me a spineless fuckwad. You really are a little boy. I bet you have no friends because people can't stand listening to you and your stupid conspiracy theories. Maybe you should seek professional help because you would benefit from it.


Yeah you are a spineless fuckwad, you cry a river and shit your diaper over Trump this, Trump that yet your re too much a chickenshit to take a good hard look at your cult and the evil that lurks there. I have not asserted one conspiracy theory, the truth doesn’t suit your cult so as a result you make up lies and conspiracy theories while smearing the truth as “conspiracy theories”. You have everything ass backwards, junior.


Aw... I triggered you. Here, have a tissue, loser. 😭 You should take an anger management course. All that anger is not good for you.


Not really, just calling you out over your double standards and TDS. Go find a safe space so someone can change your diaper and your cult leader’s.

I have done nothing but give you good advice , the courteous thing to do would be to thank me, but I’m guessing I’m not going to get that from a brainwashed, virtue signaling, libtard snowflake.


Good advice? Not from you. You are a moron. Nobody listens to you, Jethro.


I have given you plenty of good advice and far better than your cult leaders give you, kiddo. Some people are allergic to logic, it’s pathetic.


Seeing a 50-something, grown ass man play the "but I'm the bigger victim!" game on national TV, was utterly embarrassing. The contrasting attitudes on display reflected why American Asians are thriving, while African Americans... not so much.


Remember, he wasn't fired for being a dick, he was fired for attracting bad publicity!

The managers at CNN were perfectly willing to tolerate bad behavior, as long as it didn't make the press.


He very well may have been, at least in part. CNN has a relatively new CEO, maybe one year in his position. I believe Lemon’s misogynistic comments broke the ice under his feet as far as Chris Licht was concerned, and his pulling the race card on top of being a dick during his debate with Vivek was the last straw.
Licht has made it clear he’s looking to broaden viewership and won’t tolerate subjective journalism, this applies to your point as well.
