Neither JFK nor his brothers grew up with great male role models. That doesn't excuse JFK's philandering ways. But from what I've read, his father was open about his girlfriends. He even brought them home.
Still I do think Jackie loved him. She was fiercely protective of his memory and his legacy. I believe she was the one who started the Camelot legend. She did a lengthy interview after the assassination, but didn't want the tapes released until after her children were gone. A few years ago Caroline Kennedy released them. I was grateful to her for that! It was fascinating to hear her mother speak.
But after that, she fell silent. No interviews, no appearances on Oprah, no "tell all" books. I suppose it's ironic that I have books about Jackie and I love to read ABOUT her, but an autobiography would have ruined it for me. If she ever gave an interview like the Princess of Wales did on the sorry state of her marriage to Prince Charles I would have lost respect for her.
I recall seeing Princess Diana's interview and almost shouting at the TV, "You'll be sorry!" Emulate Jackie and don't spill your guts on TV. Too bad she didn't have anyone to counsel her on how tacky and counterproductive that was. Prince Charles behavior spoke for itself. She should've stayed quiet and let him take all the heat.
Jackie never explained herself to the public. She never felt the need to air her dirty laundry. I'm sure she avoided all interviews in part because she knew she'd get the inevitable question, "So what about JFK and Marilyn Monroe?" And who needs that? She didn't need the validation of a nosy TV audience.
She sort of reminds me of a magician I saw on TV about ten years ago. It was a weekly series where he'd perform some of the more famous illusions. I always wanted to know how they were done. After he did the trick, he redid it showing HOW it was done.
I was always so curious. I wanted to know how the illusion was performed. But when I saw it, I was always disappointed, mostly in myself for watching. It ruined the "magic" for me.
I'm sure Jackie had her faults and failings like everyone else. But I am glad she kept the magic