MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > His Anti-Vax stuff rules him out for me....

His Anti-Vax stuff rules him out for me. I like a lot of stuff about RFKjr, but

The anti-Vax stuff is ignorant, and the fact that he is pushing the same unchanged, unamended, not-updated or anything Anti-Vax facts 20 years later shows he doesn't think or do reality checks.

But then there is his stand to let American Free Enterprise deal with Global Warming. That is what caused Global Warming, and the out of control private sector with too much money, power, and too much opaqueness.

The one thing RFKjr. has 100% correct is the story on Ukraine, and the fact that he is now telling it doesn't help to make it more believable.


Being anti Vax is the main reason I'd vote for him.


The reason I love Him is that he’s all about Israel! Israel this, Israel that! He even pleaded unbreakable bonds with the jews! No politician loves Israel more than him! He just can’t get enough of israel. Israel first!


If you're an American citizen, Israel is not all you should care about.


Well you can't go wrong with any candidate then. the U.S. government, it's economy and it's tax payers are literally Israel's ATM machine, and a clone proxy army when they want to destabilize a region to gain a foothold.


absolutely right


It’s internally contradictory to tout the COVID vaccination and bemoan the vast wealth and power of massive corporations.


Covid vaccines have generated unimaginable wealth for Blackrock and its owner Vanguard. It still generates enormous profits as the US donated $ billions of dollars in vaccines to the rest of the world :


Added note: The US tax payers are paying for this - enriching Vanguard!


True, I would have preferred that the government have no involvement in the vaccine development process. We should have let the free market handle this.


There is no explanation of that statement that you could give that would make sense ... either way.


the vax is killing people, so fucking glad I never took that shit. Never trusted medical system or media, which saved my ass from myocarditis


Yeah, you better stay away from that nasty vaccine.
True, you might get anal myocarditis.


get that fake news the fuck out of here lmfao

there are more republican deaths because they are older and more wealthily aka fat. that vax is poison ☠️


If you had a brain, I'd say you might have brainial myocarditis.


Only thing I trust is living a healthy lifestyle full of adventure, walking, and eating good. Doctors are nothing but legal drug dealers. prevention is the best cure, those science bitch doctors can't help u once ur fucked up. they are just vultures preying on the vulnerable...


Sure, if spewing anti-vax misinformation and attacking doctors is your idea of adventure. Get stuffed.


the only misinformation being spewed is by the big pharmafia and the fake news libturds...


Have you read his book on Fauci TC?

If not, then maybe read it before you dismiss his claims.


Lots of criticisms here in multiple videos ... it's pure BS, as almost everything RFKjr says about Covid/Vaccines stuff.

Reviewing RFK Jr.’s bad book about Fauci - Introduction


So you haven't read the book and you rely on others to tell you want the book says.

That is what I call lazy.

But hey, to each their own.


I read the book, just giving DISHONEST you are summary.
Also read his "American Values".
I'm pretty sure I know much more about RFKjr. than you do.
But feel free not to get vaccinated and get Covid, and long Covid.
I don't fall in love with a candidate and worship him like you Trumpers.


So everyone who disagrees with you is a Trumper.


You don't see me calling you a Biden Sluper - just lazy.


Did you vote for Trump? Do you support Trump?


No. You are clearly not as smart as you think you are.

But I doubt if you're real anyway.


When I hear such nonsense sometimes I wonder if I am real.
You may be real, but your thoughts are fantasy.


You haven't hit all the talking points - try harder.

Remember, it's crazy, anti-vaxxer, steroid user, anti-semite, Israeli puppet, Russian puppet, Republican puppet and threat to our democracy.

It hasn't started trending yet but jump on board early and start calling him a puppy kicker and baby slapper - you'll get extra social credits.


He's had lots of vaxxes, and so have his kids.

Why are Trump supporters so ignorant? He's only against excessive vaxxing -- when I was a kid, we only have five vaxxes. We got our immunity the old-fashioned way, through catching the normal childhood diseases. And, of course, he's against the clotshot.


No, he is not only against excessive vaccination, and those normal childhood diseases like chickenpox and measles still kill people. And using the term clotshot is ignorant. You must be a Trumpdumper.


I find it kind of hilarious that literally the second sentence of his bio on Wikipedia is "he is known for advocating anti-vaccine misinformation and public health–related conspiracy theories" right before mentioning his candidacy for the election.

I don't even like or agree with the guy, but that's an obvious smear if I've ever seen one. It'd be like putting Biden's controversies with a clear bias right at the start of his bio - would never happen, would it.


Chill. At this point I think he is more well known for anti-vax misinformation, or maybe that was written years ago.
