MovieChat Forums > Scarlett Johansson Discussion > Don't like the big beefy torso picture u...

Don't like the big beefy torso picture used on this site

Every time she pops up on the front page it looks odd.

It's like they've stuck her little tiny head on top of Arnie's torso or something. Can't it be changed to something more savory?


Agree she looks kind of weird in the pic.

They used to have a very elegant shot of her from Girl in the Pearl Earring. Would also like something of her from the 09-10 period which was probably her peak hotness.


I see what you mean. Nice facial shot. She needs to cover herself up perhaps. A bit Amazonian in the body department if this pic is anything to go by.


Yes, it looks bad for sure and still not changed!


Picture has been updated. No more weird torso.


A nice picture right now.


Still looks the same to me?

Hasn't changed in years...


Yeah.. who actually choose these pictures?


I believe it is a manager or one of the stars people. As it takes someone registerd to add things on a site.


Wow.. Scarlett needs to fire her manager lol.


She might be more liberal now and really doesn't want a over make up looking picture of her.Like using a picture from her Iron man 2 movie.


Ok, I've just seen the Glenn Close profile picture:-

and I've got to admit it blows Scarlett's out of the water!


I'm not usually one to "bump" my own threads as their sheer quality usually speaks for themselves.

But my god, that picture really is awful. The over sharpening is so bad that it looks like she is actually wearing a Scarlett Johansson face mask...
