A discount Jessica Chastain
Really she is just less talented, less beautiful, fatter and overall much less charismatic than Chastain.
shareReally she is just less talented, less beautiful, fatter and overall much less charismatic than Chastain.
shareShe's honestly hotter than Chastin
shareNot even close.
shareChastin looks like trash. Bryce is like top 5-10 hottest women of all time
shareBryce is the one that looks like thrash. Also her feet are very ugly, unlike Chastain's.
shareBryce has curves
shareWhat? She is rather fat actually.
shareI like 'em both, but Bryce has more sex appeal for sure.
shareLoved Bryce when she had that mom weight: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/10/article-2171510-1400AA5B000005DC-148_306x799.jpg
shareUnlike a lot of women in hollywood that have kids she kept some of her weight which is great
shareShe got back in shape soon, but kept the attractive curves: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=611DEEB67D549E5E6E627060584BA1F9F741DB4F&thid=OIP.IVra8cZ9b5t1_IdlZFbmjwHaKk&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia2.popsugar-assets.com%2Ffiles%2F2015%2F08%2F17%2F658%2Fn%2F1922398%2F49e72e2bb30e6b84_FFN_JKlein_Party_PAGO_081615_51825637%2Fi%2FBryce-Dallas-Howard.jpg&exph=3000&expw=2103&q=New+Bryce+Dallas+Howard+body&selectedindex=3&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10
share"Bryce is like top 5-10 hottest women of all time"
Oh come on. Let's be reasonable. She looks pretty good for a forty year-old redhead.
One of the hottest women. Shes got curves in all the right places
shareI would do her, you would do her, but let's be real, she is pretty good looking for a 40 year-old redhead and that is it. She is not among the pantheon of hottest women of all-time.
shareShes 40 and hotter than homegirl from Star wars or the new black widow who are 20 years younger. Skin and bones compared to Bryce
shareChastain is the better actress but I prefer Bryce and I think she's prettier as well.
shareI like Them Both
shareWhich you can do, I'm just saying that Bryce is a lesser version of Chastain.
shareI agree that Chastain kicks axx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjc1Suv0lkc
shareI like them both but to me JC is light in the likability factor and the charisma that would make her more popular than she is. And BDH is just so much prettier to my eyes.
shareBDH is prettier for me.
shareBryce is more of a stunner than Chastain, By a hair. Both beauties though