Tom as Mozart?

I think Tom would be a most captivating choice for the role of Mozart. In addition to his physical similarities (blondish-brown hair and diminutive stature) and the natural ease with which he transitions into period film (he looks great in a costume and wig!), this would be a great opportunity for Tom to showcase his own intelligience, musical talents and emotional range reflective of this beloved, musical genius. I could see his tenderness, whit and playfulness really coming to life in this role! Aside from that, he would actually get the girl this time... Constanze!


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i'd DIE if he played mozart... im guessing your takling about amadeus?
well even if your not... him in amadeus would great. :)
but then again tom hulce was gorgeous in it too..
*dies of handsomness of the two*


*dies of handsomness of the two*

lol I agree!

Tom Hulce was absolutely wonderful in Amadeus. If only there were to be a new Mozart biopic so that Tom Hollander could take his own angle on the role... *sigh* However, it would be very interesting to imagine what it would've been like had Hollander played the role in Amadeus. Placing Hulce and Hollander side by side, my guess would be two distinctly gifted performances that cannot be compared.

Tom Hollander is also an actor of the stage and perhaps if they'd return Amadeus to the theater, there would be a slight chance to see him in the Mozart role (although I do not know how different the stage vs. movie versions are).

FYI: Tom is on the stage now at London's National Theatre in "Landscape with Weapon"


Yes, yes...

Tom would be wonderful as Mozart! =)

Prince Arthas Menethil

~Corruptio optimi pessima~


Funny someone should mention this! I saw Pirates 3 tonight and I was thinking, "my god, he looks a lot like Tom Hulce in Amadeus"

Mr. Mozart needs to cut back on the caps lock though. Finger-happy bastard


I would definately want to see it.


I'd want to see him laugh like Tom Hulce did. XD


definatly! glad i'm not the only one who thinks so!!!!! :)
