Is Tom gay?

I can't help myself for thinking so, it is not only because of his part in "Bedrooms & Hallways", it's actually the way he acts in general that makes me think that he is homosexual. So, I'd really like to know whether he's gorgeous at playing a gay or actually is one. Can anybody tell me?

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I don't know if he is gay or not. There isn't much info about his private life. It's probably the way he wants it. I agree he may be gay, he does air on the side of camp sometimes. If he is gay he plays a straight man very well and if he is straight he plays a gay man very well. All I do know is that he is a brilliant actor and that is all that matters to me.


I absolutely agree with you, he is a marvelous actor but this question drove me nuts because of the one thing you said: he's brilliant in both types. and I'd say that this is rare to find, it's too often so ridiculous when straight men try to play a gay and the other way around; with Tom this is different.

The love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing


One thought occurs to me. Maybe he is bisexual, what do you think? Tom if your reading this we love you whatever.


Are you a she or a he by the way. I'm a she. How long have you liked Tom and what are your favourite films and characters he has played. I've only seen three . The Lost Prince, where I first noticed him. Gosford Park and Hotel In Amsterdam, which has been on BBC4 recently. Have you seen it?, they repeat it every now and then. He definitely seems camp in that one, but they do refer to it so his character is ment to be. Chat again soon I hope, I check all threads of the board regularly.


I'm a she as well. I like Tom because I'm actually an addict to Rufus Sewell; being a great fan of this actor, I had to watch "Martha - meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence" and spotted Tom for the first time there and am a fan of him since. Besides I enjoyed "Gosford Park" and I love Tom in "Bedrooms and Hallways". Now let me guess if I have seen him in any other flick ... I don't think I did, unfortunately! But that must be the case because I'm German, you see. They don't have these cute little brit movies often on TV and at the movies in Germany.

The love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing


Haven't seen Bedrooms and Hallways or Martha meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence. Will try to get hold of them to watch. The Lost Prince has been released on D.V.D, but I don't know if it has been released in Germany. You could try and buy it on the internet. I will try and find out if Hotel in Amsterdam is on D.V.D, but I'm not to hopeful because it was a play in London which was specially filmed for T.V, but I'll look. What do you think to my bisexual theory?


yep, that's probalble as well. I have no idea. has he ever been spotted with girls in public? or boys? I really don't know. but honestly, I rather suppose him to be homosexual. there's this certain something about him. But who knows?? I actually wish I knew (which was the reason for this thread) just to see whether my idea was right. But perhaps he is bisexual .... I already said it drives me nuts, didn't I ? :)
It seems to me you're a die-hard fan of Tom, aren't you? Well as for me, I love him of course, but I have to point out on my admiration of Rufus Sewell, that's the man!! D'you know him? He's gorgeous, he was to play splendid roles and he himself is the sexiest man alive (I know this sounds ridiculous, but anyways ... :)). You'll sure enjoy Martha... it's a wonderful movie, it's the kind of story you wish to happen in real life.
See you around, bye.


The love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing


Hi, yes I do know Rufus Sewell. I saw him in a British T.V. series. He played Charles II, he did a great job. I thought he was good looking, but when he took off his wig, I thought yes definitely handsome. Especially with his short hair. I've only seen him in the one role so I can't really comment on anything else he has done. Yes I am a big fan of Tom, but as we know there isn't alot of info around on him. I also love an American actor called Tom Sizemore, have you heard of him?. There are loads of web sites on him with all the info you could ever want. You can't sneeze in Hollywood without it making the news can you. He has been dragged through the courts by his ex girlfriend for 1 and 1/2yrs. I don't know what is true or false but I still like him for his acting. He has played loads of roles brilliantly. There is a film called Paparazzi which I don't think has been released yet in America, so it wont be in England or Germany yet, but Tom Sizemore and Tom Hollander are both in it. That will be one I will be buying.
