Tired Liberal

I just read her interview in The Hollywood Reporter, another halfwit out of touch Liberal pushing the Nazi card when it comes to Trump. Enough is enough every time you compare Trump to Hitler you diminish the truth about what an evil man he was and what the Nazis really were and on top of that degrading the memories of the millions they killed. Then again you are just part of the collective with no working independent brain cells. Just follow the Leftist talking points which by the way worked out real well for you guys, especially the way Hollywood brought out the votes for Hillary in the Midwest, oh sorry that didn’t happen. So keep it up making sure the Dems hold no power what so ever. They already re-elected Nancy “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it” Pelosi. Go ahead and elect Keith “the Anti-Semite” Ellison to run the DNC, even the Liberal ADL won’t back him.

The real joke of this is the Left was willing to back a criminal lowlife who would have sold her daughter and grandchildren to the highest bidder who took millions from countries that treat woman as pets and torture and imprison Gays and Lesbians. She stayed married to an Ex-President who runs a Ponzi scheme and was actually caught red handed in the oval office with a 22 yo intern among many other accusations of abuse from many women.

Again I have to remember we are talking about an entertainer who and correct me if I’m wrong hasn’t made a good movie since ………… has she ever made a good movie? Her SNL Weekend Update bit was stale at best, Jimmy Fallon carried her and everyone knows he isn’t some great comic genius.

Tina I bet you can see the Wolfs Lair from your house.


I really don’t need to explain why I commented on her board but what the hell I will again.

I commented because I’m sick and tired of the Left comparing Trump to Hitler or any one they don’t agree with (which is basically every one with an independent or opposite thought) it’s a vile comparison. Do you understand that every time that is said it denigrates the murder of millions of people. That people like Tina Fey can so callously compare one of the most evil men in the history of the world to Donald Trump, a guy who builds sky scrapers and golf courses whose Daughter (by conversion) son in-law and grandchildren are Jewish (actually I believe orthodox) and her sheep fans just go along and agree. Does that ever cross your minds or are you all to blinded by your political ideology to see the pure hatred you are spreading. Make fun of Trump all you want SNL can just do 90 minutes of Trump parodies, write books about him, attack his policy’s etc. But the Hitler comparison time to go.

As far as your argument on the Electoral College vs the popular vote, Hillary like all other presidential candidates new it’s the EC that you need to win, she should have come up with a better strategy then just insulting most Americans from states she has no time or care for. She decided to campaign in NY City and LA that’s where the money was not the EC votes. Again Elections have consequences, remember that. Also I would suggest reading a book about why we have an EC and not the popular vote for President. If you need help choosing let me know I can recommend a few.

So keep up the protests, the outrage, the hate, the riots the “He’s not my President” chants and in 4 years he will be re-elected.”.

Unlike you I don’t have low opinions of people that voted for Hillary.
