Awful Actress.

I haven't enjoyed this woman in any part she has played. She is dry, boring, and off-putting. She is hard to look at, and her acting is either over-embellished or understated. She never seems like the right person to fill whatever role she plays. The Killing is a great show, but she isn't convincing as a cop for one minute. She's terrible. You'd think the make-up department could at least give her some Chapstick.


The vast majority of the complaints with The Killing were about the writing, not the actors -- in fact Enos and Kinneman were repeatedly lauded by critics.

They didn't reveal Rosie Larsen's killer at the end of the first season, and that made fans crazy. Then they stretched it out to two seasons, and didn't stick the landing. I still can't believe they spent two years on that storyline, only to pin the murder on that little weasel political operative guy.
