Awful Actress.

I haven't enjoyed this woman in any part she has played. She is dry, boring, and off-putting. She is hard to look at, and her acting is either over-embellished or understated. She never seems like the right person to fill whatever role she plays. The Killing is a great show, but she isn't convincing as a cop for one minute. She's terrible. You'd think the make-up department could at least give her some Chapstick.


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You're entitled to your rude opinion, but I and many others personally think she is a revelation. And we're in the majority. Scurry along now.


She is horrible. Learn to chew gum as well. Yuck. Made it hard to watch. Look in a mirror. Bad casting. :(
Would have liked this if I didn't have to deal with her not being able to make a normal face.


If you're in the majority, why's this show keep getting canned?


I will bet she has more $$$ than any of you losers who talk *beep* about others to make yourself feel special.


I completely disagree. She was great in The Killing. And she looks great. And the way she looked in The Killing was perfect for her character.


If a show is in a position to "keep getting canned", surely logic dictates that the show must keep surviving. Which The Killing did for four seasons. But ignore that little nugget if you like. Nevermind the fact that the show being cancelled a few times most likely wasn't purely down to the lead actress, or else they would have cast a new lead role when they survived cancellation.


She is an okay actress, but she has an annoying habit of speaking breathlessly when she's stressed or angry. Bit of a distraction.
