MovieChat Forums > Caroline Dhavernas Discussion > How do you pronouce her last name?

How do you pronouce her last name?

This has been bugging me for quite awhile. Any answers would be appreciated.


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I think I read somewhere that her last name it's pronounced Dha-VERNAs but when she went to work to New York she decided to "americanize" her last name and pronounce it DHA-vernas.
I'm sure of this, though, her first name is pronounced like "Carolyn" because of her French Canadian heritage.

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Well it seems like there are mutiple ways of pronouncing her name. Thanks for both of your answers.


There are indeed. The "proper" pronounciation would stress the first and third syllables, whereas the Americanized pronounciation stresses the second.


In French, it would be DA-vair-NA


I just watched the special features on the "Wonderfalls" DVD, and in the commentary for "Wax Lion", she pronounces her name Caro-line Da-ver-na. However, in the documentary and commentary, some of the other actors pronounce her first name Caro-lyn.


Im french...

It's Da-vair-nas , she pronounce the last s

We shouldn't take life too seriously, we are going to die Anyway!


I'm french too and goewyn is right : it's prounonced Davhernas.
