Sequel Title
The sequel title is Dragonball 2: Reborn or just Dragonball Reborn. I really hope this is true becuase i really liked the frist one and i really want a second.
The sequel title is Dragonball 2: Reborn or just Dragonball Reborn. I really hope this is true becuase i really liked the frist one and i really want a second.
dude shut up it is one of the first movies i saw this year (other than friday the 13th and watchmen db & wm good first 20 min. of friday the 13th good rest sucked) and it was good at least the actors acknowledged the source material, anyone remember eon flux the cast of that movie never watched the show,
not my vid but still watch at least 2 minutes in and you'll understand
dragonball is good
Granted you are entitled to your opinion but I will refut it when you pointlessly insault others for liking it.