Sequel Title

The sequel title is Dragonball 2: Reborn or just Dragonball Reborn. I really hope this is true becuase i really liked the frist one and i really want a second.


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your a retard for many reasons,

1) you actually liked the movie

2) you want a sequal



Thank you!! Finally someone who actually really liked Dragonball. I thought it was a great movie and I'm really hoping for a second one as well.


I'm hoping for a second one myself, but not because I thought the movie was amzing (I gave it 5/10), but because of what they've done with the first. They seem to have killed off the Saiyans (hey, where's the tail?)... The whole Piccolo's pet ape thing...

I just wanna see how they're going to fix that. After all, they are onviously taking a fair share of freedom with the soruce material. I still don't like that the rights were sold... but meh, probably thought it would never be made a movie (like Alan Moore foolishly has a couple of times).

Most of the people here are just butthurt and that's why they voted it 1/10... likely they haven't even watched it.


I was afraid they weren't going to me a sequel. So YAY! I personally can't wait.

I have my own opinions and I kind of like the movie. I've seen all the episodes of Dragonball (Z & GT) along with the movies, so don't start getting piss saying I don't know jack.

When I went to watch it in the theatre I knew it wasn't going to be like the anime or the manga, so I tried just to watch it as it is. It really wasn't bad.

Hopefully this time they can try to fix it and make it more like how it is in the world of Dragonball.


wow, you "SAY" you've seen every episode of dbz and dbgt and that u know the series, therefore u MUST be telling the truth!

there's no way you could possibly be spewing out the garbage that is Evolution from thy piehole.

by the simple fact that the dbz universe and this heap of a movie share only the character names and the balls in common does not mean that they are related. if anything, evolution would be dbz's mentally ill 3rd cousin.

dragon ball evolution and james wong were both made of utter fail in deepest parts of hell.
