MovieChat Forums > Dave Chappelle Discussion > Chappelle is the model for how to deal w...

Chappelle is the model for how to deal with the "woke" crowd

Don't apologize for shit, keep on doing your routine and pile it on even more.


The problem is most people that do what Chappelle do end up cancelled and stop having the means to survive and keep doing what they do.


I'd rather do that than be a puss and cave in to a small minority who can't take a joke.


They just cancelled a show of his a few hours before it happened.

Is this even legal?
Surely they will have to compensate him.

This vocal crowd is ridiculous and needs to be stopped.


Cancel the Cancel crowd? Hey, that takes some deep thinking.
I always figure the people who bitch about cancel culture are the ones who would happily silence everyone they don't like if they had the means to, and it pisses them off that they can't.


You are projecting.
Try responding with arguments instead of ad hominem. If you can, of course...


"People who don't like cancel culture are the REAL cancellers" ... Lol nice try πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


That would be you.


It's time for everyone else to boycott any business that caves to the wokists. First Avenue, the club that listened to 150 idiots instead of the 1500 normal people who paid to see the show, should be the first. Nobody who's still sane should ever attend anything at that club ever again.


You are a "puss" if you have to attack and ridicule the weak.


This is one of the more vapid statements I've run into the last, oh, 15 minutes or so.
Yep, if people can't do stand up comedy they've lost the opportunity to survive, taken away by an uncaring mob.
Try going to your nearest street corner, putting down a hat so people can drop in money, and then insult everyone who passes by. I'll bet they will take away your ability to survive, right?


Chapelle didn't insult anyone, though.

And your analogy fails miserably in more than one way... Because Chapelle's show was sold out. In your analogy, these would be the "people passing by", right?

A vocal minority cancelled a show that was sold out.


Maybe somebody should shit on you and not apologize, and then you can congratulate them on a good job.


What a pathetic lunatic!


Awww did someone hurt you wif widdle words?


Fucking grow up and try to use proper language.
The Baby Talk forum is somewhere else.


Found the trans I guess...


Throw a tantrum about being canceled while you sell out shows and have a contract with Netflix?


WTF! The snowflakes threw the tantrum.


You don't make any sense.

The woke snowflake crowd is the one throwing a tantrum and trying to restrict the freedom of speech of people that are doing their work - work that people like and want to see, because it was even sold out.

They throw a tantrum just because Chapelle exists. And they don't like that.


Do tweets oppress you?


Me, no.

But as we see, it works on theatre owners, seeing as they cancel shows that displease the Twitter crowd.

What are you even trying to argue? You understand English, yes? Is there a point you are trying to make?


That there's no such thing as "cancel culture".



Cancel culture: the practice of creating social pressure so that someone that you don't agree with stops having job or exposure.

A Twitter mob cancelled a show that was sold out, that the theater owner wanted to show, because the artist said something the mob didn't agree with.
A group of people, therefore, created social pressure so that the theater would not provide job and exposure to the artist.

The Master and Very Intelligent Argentinian's verdict: there is no cancel culture


I didn't know people with a Twitter account held so much power. Whoa.

Poor Chapelle. He's truly over, I guess.


He's not over because the majority still cares about his work.

But as can be seen by this factual event, a vocal minority indeed was able to cancel his show, that was SOLD OUT.

If you have no arguments, don't even bother replying, you're just embarrassing yourself with your lack of basic factual understanding.


So cancel culture doesn't work as long as you have fans. Got it.


I'm just going to assume you don't understand English, because you are not saying anything useful or with any sense.


That's racist of you to assume that. I'm going to tweet about this exchange to get you canceled, ma'am.


he/she has way more posts than you, LOL!


What does that mean?


It means you sound dumb when you say he/she doesn't understands English as this person is much more prolific in this site than you! LoL! That means you are a xenophobic loser who bullies others just because you think they are not worthy to be here because they're probably not from the U.S.

Even if this user lives in the U.S. and has Argentinian parents, his contribution to the site is way greater than yours.


When you use "Lol!" the way you do, it makes you sound dumb.


Haha, is that the only thing you have to say for yourself? What a waste of time dude, I thought you were more clever than this.

Also, that Lol is at your personality. I'm glad a supposed foreigner is a much more interesting read than you.


You are all over the place.

First of all, you just replied to a random person that is not me, the person you were originally replying to.

Secondly, the assumption you make that someone having a higher post count in this random message board makes him automatically have a better understanding of a language, is something so dumb that is hard to even explain.

Finally, I don't care if the user is from the U.S. or not, as I myself am not from U.S. and English is not even my first language.


Haha the way you listed your individual replies... As if you were saying something important! So full of yourself, like a kid!

But yeah, bottom line is I think that person did a better contribution to the site. Way better than yours and much more consistent and devoted than mine

So shut up, will ya?


So, you only communicate consistently and in an organized and logical way if you want to say something important?
That explains a lot, when reading your posts.

Coming from someone that thinks the number of messages in a forum equates to the level of understanding, we couldn't expect more.



What sense I don't make? Is there something you need help understanding?

I was attacking you? I don't even know who you are or where you came from, you started quoting me from a conversation months old I didn't even remember and I didn't even care about.

I don't know if that user is more "relevant" or not (whatever that may imply), but I'm happy for him if he is... Congratulations, I guess?
Is that something to be proud of? It's cool, I guess... I only pass here every once in a while, I didn't even know that number there was the number of posts, because, you know, nobody cares.


The point was that this person does actually use the English language properly and has A LOT of practice .

God you are dense.

Also, you may need to recheck how to formulate questions in English. You seem to have a problem there.


What question didn't you understand?
I can help you, if you need, seeing as you have so many difficulties.


I'm talking about syntax you numbskull πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


What was the error?
This coming from someone who doesn't even know how to use commas or punctuation in general is strange, but I'm always open to constructive feedback.


Haha, I'm sure I know how to use commas, buddy.

Here's my example of the syntax you should use for a question in English:

Do you understand I have a major in Modern Languages and you don't?

Hope it helped, numbskull.

Also, you don't use commas after a connector, numbskull. You are the guy who uses them after a relative pronoun... What a joke!


Wow, what a major schooling, I just got. Congrats.
Clearly it wasn't all that bad, considering you are able to reply to it... Especially for a second language :)


A Twitter mob cancelled a show that was sold out, that the theater owner wanted to show, because the artist said something the mob didn't agree with.

Can you maybe help me (someone who is not on any social media) understand this? The show had sold out, so obviously the theatre owner lost a lot of money by cancelling it. Is he honestly afraid that no-one would ever go to his theatre again - no matter what was on - if he hadn't cancelled it?


That you have to ask the theater owner.

But they cancelled the show and justified that they want to ensure their theater is a "safe space for everyone" (as if that's possible).

They apologized and said it was a mistake to book such a show that hurts the community.

So I don't know the purpose of this - either the owners really believe this and ignored their profit and their losses on this cancelling, or they really were pressured so much that, yes, they believe that accepting Chapelle to perform there would hurt their reputation and would make some people not go there in the future.


Thanks πŸ‘

I just cannot see that's a realistic fear. Some people may not go, but I can't see it would be enough to seriously adversely affect business long-term. I'm also guessing the owner had to make a payment to Chappelle (as I'm sure Chappelle would have had to if he'd been the one to cancel the show), so he must have been seriously out of pocket. I'd love for just one of these people to stand their ground. Not that I'm holding my breath for that to happen.


Delusions of a Wokie!


If it wasn't for the "woke" crowd and their predecessors, Chappelle's black ass would still be picking cotton. The guy's a charlatan milking the system.


... the Republican party?


The predecessors of the woke crowd are Stalin, Mao, Taliban and ISIL.
The people who ended slavery were Christian Brits. You are one sick revisionist!


Lincoln was woke, fool.


I say little prayer?


Why are people (presumably white people) attacking a BLACK man for being 'anti-woke'? I'm confused. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
