MovieChat Forums > Bill Burr Discussion > Almost sick of him

Almost sick of him

I’m not triggered by his lack of PC-ness, but it’s how proud he is about going against SJW trends that annoys me. Like he wants some sort of trophy for being offensive. None of the other greats thought they were special for being edgy, they just told the jokes. Burr meanwhile loves reminding people how anti-SJW he is. He clearly thinks he’s very intelligent and it’s annoying. I’m also sick of seeing him, Shapiro, and Rogan in the same “destroying liberals” compilations on YouTube.


Well he's just pandering to a massive audience of , basically , maga hat wearing right wing trumptard morons.
Its a big market and a safe bet .

No matter where you stand on left /right , or sjw and woke whatever ,
It just gets old . It was funny decades ago when George Carlin was doing it .

Now its as stale as
"Say , whats the deal with airline food?"


I like BUrr but he's basically a poor-man's Carlin. Burr's whole shtick is saying something offensive ("women cant be funny") and then pretending that he never said it ("of course women can be funny! anyone can be funny!"). Carlin at least had the balls to say "fuck these people and fuck you too."


for being offensive

Imagine being so delusional to think that disagreeing with leftists is "being offensive".


This is how you pander to the political bigshots. Burr is nothing more than a billionaire brown-noser trying to get some attention from the people at the top. A lot like Bill Maher these days.

In another day and time these would be people who would be making disparaging jokes about Jews in Hitler's Germany, starting and riding the wave of hate to get ahead. It doesn't mean they cannot be funny of even touch on some truths, but on balance they are working for the bad guys.


I thought he was liberal though? In an interview with Rogan, Joe questions the masks and vaccines and Burr stops him in his tracks and basically says "trust the science."
