Homophobic mean woman

Ugh. Seeing her on the view showing her homophobic side disgusted me. She supported an Oregon cake shop for turning down a lesbian couple's request for a wedding cake. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but she was so hateful.


and you should not eat shellfish. that is also in the bible. it also says you can stone a woman to death for adultery, you can not pick and choose what you like in the bible and base laws on what the parts you believe in.

Now I do hate religious people because every holly roller that is in my family has had shotgun marriages, divorces, affairs and say I am immoral. I always love it when their kids screw up or their spouses cheat on them. Its like getting a hug from Jesus


It's just the right of the bakery to refuse service to homosexuals*. That's what I heard and I support the bakery and Candace (whom I WISH I were MARRIED to.).

*as I grew up with GAY meaning HAPPY and QUEER meaning STRANGE but QUEER sure describes many homosexuals.. :rolleyes: .


Its kinda weird that you hate gay people so much. I mean, if anyone was gonna know how to clear up that butthurt you have it would be them.


No, I don't HATE gay people...so much (nor do I think Candace does).otherwise I'd be asking for Bugs Bunny, Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mosue and others's cartoons that show them in drag (like Fred and Barney when they tried capitalising on Ladies Night at the baseball game) to be taken off for promoting homosexuality (no one, not Chic-Fil-A or anyone has gotten classic comey off for being "in drag"..that in cludes Gilligan's Island, Three Stooges and other live aciton comedy where someone may have to do a one-off drag bit..)


What exactly does any of that have to do with being a cunt to people now just because they like the same sex? You dont hate gay people, but you support those that do? I fail to see the difference. Not selling a fucking cake to someone because they are gay is stupid as fuck. And shall we go into who they WILL sell cakes to? These god loving fuck nuggets? Theyll happily sell to adulterers, sheep shaggers, child molesters, and people who eat cheese burgers(yes, thats against the rules too).

Remember that these scum are the same ones who kept filling the collection plates even as it all came out that priests had been molesting children for decades. And not only that the church hide it, and in doing so allowed more children to be raped. So this "Im not selling a cake to a gay dude" nonsense can fuck right off. Its bigotry disguised as faith and its bullshit. And that is what you and your precious candice are supporting.


"god loving fuck nugget" might be the best thing I read all day. ♡


Did your parents have any children that lived?


Her brother probably had a lot of influence on her to be honest.


So...she's weak?



It's ok...every religion has its nutters.


Oh I can imagine that. Again, her brother probably really hounded her for her behavior and sucked her back into his cult-ish form of Christianity to get herself together. She might have fallen on hard times financially as well. The situation is one of ''control''. Happens all the time to women in religious families.


How about Roseanne? :) Agreed that we're all entited to our opinion. Unlike "Last Man Standing" (RIP ABC showing) I don't see or hear any far right preaching in Fuller House (Netflix) though.


You should play chicken with a freight train.


I'm sorry, I thought you had a actual grievance against Candice Cameron. If you don't like her views and beliefs, don't watch her on tv, and quit complaining like a spoiled, pro-gay brat. It's that simple.


It's the business owner's choice to turn down a job that goes against his or her values. Candace is intelligent enough to realize this. It does not mean she hates the homosexuals who wanted the catering.


Her brother is Kirk Cameron, a hard-right Evangelical who expects all women to be mindless, child-bearing, obedient servants. So, I would certainly guess that is Candice's agenda too.
