MovieChat Forums > Matt Bomer Discussion > Pictures of the boys

Pictures of the boys

Further to the comments about no picture this Christmas, I'm wondering how many previous pictures of their sons' Matt & Simon have authorised? On Matt's twitter there was Matt & Kit at Halloween 2015, the whole family at Christmas 2015, Henry & Walker at Easter 2016 & the whole family at Halloween 2016. Has Matt published anything else?
And I believe Kit is the only son to appear at a public event with Matt or Matt & Simon, a Shrek screening, Revlon walk, a soccer event, a funfair. All in 2010-2011. Henry & Walker have only appeared in paparazzi shots? Shopping at the Grove, on White Collar set, buying comics, New York Hotel & walking in New York. And 1 or 2 videos, Matt with the boys at the cinema, the whole family at Disney (?).
Have I missed any?


ugh. that cinema video makes me angry.

I don't think I've ever seen a Disney video. source? nor have do I recall shrek, soccer, funfair or buying comics. any links for those?


I'll see if I can find links, the Disney is the only other that is intrusive.


Thanks! I hadn't seen the shopping, though I now recognize the others. Agreed, intrusive, but it looks as if they weren't approached at least.


The back of the boys' heads at an L.A. Dodgers game around Kits birthday, end of May 2016 and Griffith Park rain exhibit, 2 of the boys in the shot looking up with hands splayed enjoying a local tourist spot near their home. A picture of Matt with one of the twins teaching him to ride a 2 wheeler.
Matt and Simon appear to be like most parents, proud of their kids. When they get to be a certain age like Kit, they strive for privacy and not wanting to be embarrassed at school the next day by a proud parent talking about his offspring, especially on tv.
It's nice to hear tidbits on them. Seems like Henry is the one that cracks Matt up with his humor.
Kit, with his football stats knowledge is very typical of a smart kid who knows his sports trivia. Walker seems to be more like Matt was as a kid dreaming up characters he'd like to pretend to be. It will certainly be interesting to see who they become as adults as they are uniquely different.


maggie -- I agree with you as the boys get older i think they will want their privacy, it's been lovely of Matt & Simon sharing pics with fans they are obviously proud parents of beautiful kids. I don't mind if they don't always want to tho'.


Yeah, I totally agree too that as the boys get older they will probably, if not already, want their privacy. It can't be fun for them being followed by the paparazzi also.


Ice bucket challenge.
Simon named Christopher(Kit) after the ALS sister who died of the disease. Simon's nickname for her was Kitty.
