MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > "We've been patient, but our patience is...

"We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,"

An American President speaking to a free society. “Our patience is wearing thin.” Fuck you and your authoritarianism. And who is the “our” in that statement? Are they an elected body accountable to the people or just the slags pulling your strings? Who the fuck are you to speak to us in this way? The thing you need to concentrate on, President Potato Head, is trying not to evacuate your bowels into your diaper while meeting foreign Heads of State. “Our patience is wearing thin.” Don’t ever speak to us like that again.


The single most evil speech by a so called President I’ve ever heard in my lifetime. His downfall is coming and it could be as early 2022.


Not since Clinton lying and wagging his finger in the face of the American public can I recall such a blatant violation of the American trust in their elected officials. Tyranny begins with statements like “This is not about freedom,”. It’s always about freedom. Everything is about freedom.


Buck Foe Jiden


Haha nice one!

Merry Christmas.


Yeah, that line really pissed me off too. If you want to encourage people to get vaccinated, fine, but to speak to the people in the country HE REPRESENTS like that? He can go fuck himself.

I’ve never been so excited to vote against someone and everyone in a position of power who surrounds him than I am for 2024.

Speaking of patience wearing thin…my patience is wearing thin with this joke of a presidency. What a colossal disaster in every imaginable way.


More and more these idiots are getting so power-drunk that they are forgetting that they work for us. Of the people, by the people, for the people. Right?

The country is only 245 years old and it's way too early for people to come along and unravel everything that's been built up in that time.


I can honestly say, I have never hated a President the way I hate this man.


Obama was just as evil but he was subtle about a lot of it.


Let's go Brandon!


Agreed. I did not vote for Trump; I voted against Biden. Granted, Trump might not have been the best, but Biden is a disaster.


Let’s Go Brandon! That being said Joe has no right to push an iffy vaccine on us. He does not have a right to tell us what to do with our bodies. Not a good leader by any means!
