MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden’s response to the situation in Ahg...

Biden’s response to the situation in Ahganistan…

So disgraceful! He has a 10 minute speech that he read from a teleprompter and he blamed everyone for the situation except himself. He didn’t take responsibility for his actions. Then when the press started firing him with questions, he walks away from them and goes back on his vacation. Worst President ever!


I'm not a Trump supporter, as a matter of fact I hate him, but I would always say that people should be careful voting for Biden just because they think he's the lesser of two evils. He's not fit to be president.


He’s totally not fit to be President. He should resign and let someone more capable take over…


Yes, the guy who looked directly at a solar eclipse and bragged about passing a simple mental impairment test was far more fit to serve.


I didn't say Trump should have been President either.



Don't worry you won't go to jail for that.


You should ask yourself, what lead you to hate Trump.

Do you you ever wonder how you could hate someone so much while others of all races, economic status, political affiliation, like the guy and the job he did.

How many of the accusations came to fruition? How many ended with no evidence?

Do you look at how different presidents have been treated differently and see how it could affect ones perspective?

I always wonder that.


Him talking about how hot his daughter is:

Him making fun of a guy with a disability:

Him building a large national debt:

Him insulting a reporter for no reason:

Him leaving before signing executive orders:

Him not knowing it's pronounced "Namibia".


Regardless what you think about Trump you can't argue that the white house wasn't the most transparent it's ever been. Now that we have Biden, the government has gone back behind the curtain. Personally, I'd rather have chaos and unpredictability over secrecy.


I think not matter who is in the White House, there will always be corruption and secrecy.


Of course there will be. I'm just saying that Trump at least shined a light on the broken systems within the US government. Other presidents have been going along for hundreds of years doing nothing, but keeping shit hidden.


One thing I liked about Trump is that he didn't follow the same fake formula that Presidents would do. He didn't always say the safe thing as we would all expect.


Hey! Obama said there's 57 states and that Austrian is a language.

Debt needs to be reigned in but no one's done any real good with that.

Who knows how much that "reporter" has pestered Trump with stupid questions? Maybe he was fed up with her. No president has had the disgraceful treatment from "the press" that he has. I commend his restraint, actually.

Recognizing the sexiness of a son/daughter/parent/sibling is not perverted nor does it imply sexual desire. Sheesh!

He has his faults, as we all do but he did a LOT of good things. Way better than the drooling puppet we have now.


As I said, I think Biden is awful too.




Him talking about how hot his daughter is:
Questionable since all aren't video. Still I understand your point somewhat.

Him making fun of a guy with a disability:
Absolute horseshit. Stop spreading this completely debunked LIE.

Him insulting a reporter for no reason:
Fuck the Media.
Fuck the Media.
Fuck the Media.
You understand???

I'm done.


I get it, you're a fan of his.


uncle joe cares not about anything but touching little girl inappropriately


There was a girl that came out and said that Joe groped her when she was 9 years old. I hope she makes this more public.


they are censoring the videos of his crimes on youtube. if u type in joe biden touching girls now they only show videos of him grouping fully grown women while omitting all his crimes on prepubescent young girls which there are too many to count that are caught on camera. i cant imagine the sick things he does off camera when i see what he gets away with on camera


youtube has got really orwellian, i used to like reading stuff about conspiracy theories, not saying i believe in them, but they kinda fascinate me, if you search anything like that in google or youtube now, theres only debunking and fact checking videos. just pushing the same agenda.


all this does it give those conspiracy theories more credibility am make them seem more legitimate now in hindsight seeing how much they are doing to snuff this stuff out


my next door neighbor is thinking about moving to canada, he says that he's ashamed to be american with biden in the white house.


Not only does Biden need to resign. His cabinet needs to resign as well. They were all on board with this atrocious blunder. They’re a disgrace to this country and the damage done will have ramifications that last decades.


Get ready for a Red Wave the likes we haven't seen since 2010.


Come on man!!!!
