Ban guns now.
Even more kids yet again killed via gunshot in the USA cinemas.
shareI say BAN LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS! They cause more trouble than any gun will.
Remove the guns for sale, remove the temptation to buy one.
shareDude, I explained to you in depth a while back why this isn't possible, yet you still don't seem to understand? Again, you can't remove a protected right. It doesn't even matter though because support for gun control in the US is at a new all time low. Our guns aren't going anywhere. You don't have to like it, but that's the truth.
Slavery was a right too. Laws change. Voting for women was not allowed then the suffragettes made noise. Things can change.
shareAgain, we've been over this in depth. If you don't remember, go back and reread out conversation. You tried to make this same point and I explained how this is different and why repealing the 2nd Amendment would be impossible. Are you purposely forgetting or do you just have a bad memory?
shareYou are just making excuses up so you can bury your head in the sand and enjoy owning guns. If you made noise things could change but you will not.
shareI'm not making excuses, I'm stating facts. You're the one being willfully ignorant by ignoring reality.
For the third time, scroll back and reread out conversation. You clearly need a memory refresher. The American people don't want a repeal of 2A. What don't you understand about that???
A kid just recently killed 4 people in a school with a gun. He was 15.
The American people will change when they start disliking this stuff happening all the time.
I'm aware of what happened and the parents are being charged for giving him access to the gun, as they should be, so what exactly is your point?
Do you seriously think the American people are going to advocate for the repeal of a protected right because these people broke a law? Obviously not...
It's hard to win an argument with an intelligent person, but it's impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. Just state facts and then move on. You can't win with these people because their arguments are based on emotions- not logic.
shareIt's also the argument of a child, definitely not a smart one.
shareI thought overpopulation was a huge problem? Geez, I wish you libs would make up your mind.
shareYeah, ban guns so Antifa, BLM, and all the liberal zealots can march anyone that doesn't agree with them off to concentration camps/gas chambers. The only thing stopping the aforementioned groups from doing so is the fact that we have an armed populace.
shareBingo! Look at what's happening right now in Australia. Those people are basically living under martial law.
shareI know, and it's a shame. If they tried that crap here we'd have an insurrection. There is a reason that the continental United States has not had a land battle within its boarders during modern times. No country is dumb enough to invade a country with a fully armed populace. I honestly think that some (not all) of the shootings that occur in this country are due to people that have been "programed" by the eviler portions of our own government (Hitler actually did things like that-I believe that the Germans called it monarch mind control) in order to "persuade" the citizens of the United States that they are better off without guns... it will never happen, and if they try to confiscate our guns they will only be causing another Civil war. The elites know that, and the elites also know that if it comes to that they WILL lose. It's why they won't confiscate our guns outright. They will slowly pass legislation after legislation in order to ban guns. Just like they slowly and secretly took over the news, hollyweird, many U.S. businesses and even our own government. Well, aside from the last election- that one they just outright stole. Anyway, say lot's of prayers for Australia. They need it.
share100% true! Too many people labor under the delusion that the lessons of history do not apply to them. That what happened in another time, in another place, cannot happen to them. They think portions of the Constitution are quaint and antiquated, unnecessary today. That there's no way the founders could have predicted the technology we have today. That's bullshit. It's miraculous that they were able to write such an all-encompassing, timeless document that is just as relevant now as it was then. The problem is the way certain people look at it, not how or when it was written.
Unfortunately, those delusional fools also vote.
They definitely need it. They allowed themselves to be disarmed in the name of the greater good and they're now paying the price for it.
The UK has not had a land battle within its borders in modern times either.
Guns are not needed.
My sister (who is a rich far let democrat) lives in England. They are being taken over from within by radicalized Muslims. There are cities that police, nor military will go into because sharia law is in effect. England is most certainly in a land battle your just not hearing about it on the news. Knife violence is also a huge problem in England. Again, this is something that you do not hear about on the news. Fox, CNN, and MSNBC simply do not report on it.
shareMuslims are not taking over at all. Islamophobes want you to believe it though.
That is a great point i keep making here, you can only kill 1-2 people with a knife before being overpowered. If they had access to guns it would be far worse.
BBC News is best.
Do you live in England?
As for your logic (or lack thereof) in regards to a person with a knife being overpowered quicky, five men in China with knives killed 33 people and wounded 130 before being stopped. read here
A knife attack happens every 11 minutes in England. read here
5 people with knives killed 33 in China?
One lone gunman in America kills more than 33. You are just proving my point here.
Look at the deaths, knife attacks happen and not many die. Hence the whole point.
And people on movie sets.