Is there a bigger racist in politics?
Biden is a white supremacist. Change my mind.
shareRacist AF.
shareBarack Obama is a racist.
share-Said Obama was “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean"
-Did not want his kids integrated into a "racial jungle" school
-Described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate
-Had white supremacist senators as his friends.
-Says many blacks and hispanics do not know how to use the internet
-If you didn't vote for him "you ain't black'.
-Treated Cornpop like an overseer intimidating a slave
-calls black children 'roaches'.
-signed the 1994 crime bill that saw thousands of blacks incarcerated
Guess I can't change your mind...
This is what the woke call "anti-racist". Those loveable logic inverted government cuddlers.
shareYou're a conservative. Your entire political platform is based on the fact than your mind doesn't change.
sharesame for liberals, Guomo has been accused of sexual assault, but the media doesn't care.
shareHe's being accused but why are Trump supporters angry about this? Is there some upper moral high ground Trump supporters stand from that they can scream indignantly that they don't support politicians accused of sexual assault?
shareLiterally makes zero sense.
WTF kind of crack are you on?
You're projecting
shareTrying to be clever or funny? Both didn't work here, loser. Guess even after Trump lost the election (and electoral college twice) you need some pity points for feeling in control. Longing for fascist takeover of the government? Need validation of your right wing lies? Go watch some Tucker Carlson or such a potato. Don't spam this movie board.