The majority of Israeli Jews are actually neither Ashkenazi or Sephardi, but Mizrahi; i.e. Middle Eastern Jews. You see, there are almost no Jews still living in the Arab League, because during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the vast majority of MENA Jews were either expelled by their antisemitic governments, or left because they had faced antisemitic discrimination.
There were almost no Jews in Palestine prior to the 1870s, when the first European Jews started moving to Israel. They wanted to be closer to the land their ancestors had lived in. They also moved there because they were being persecuted by antisemites in their own countries. Let's also not forget that in the 1920s and '30s (before there even was an Israel, mind you), the Palestinians committed several massacres againt innocent, civilian Jewish communities. Let's not also forget that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi ally and collaborator who helped recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Handzar division of the Waffen-SS and deliberately got 4,000 Bulgarian Jewish children bound for Palestine on a Red Cross boat sent to a death camp instead. Seriously; they were about to be rescued, and he got them all gassed instead! And no, I'm not saying the Palestinians are as bad as the Nazis, I'm simply saying that it's more complicated than "Zionists bad, Palestinians good".
I am actually not a Zionist, but I do believe that Israel/Palestine is the Jewish homeland and that any Jews should have the right to live there. You see, I believe in a Jewish homeland, but not in a Jewish state. I believe that one day, Jews and Palestinians will live in peace under the same democratic system.
Give me the ball.
- Baseball Bat Man, The Raid 2