MovieChat Forums > Eva Amurri Discussion > Too bad parents are pigs

Too bad parents are pigs

She'll bear the burdon of her parents' mouths.


Relax- it's a website about movies.


... and you will bear the stigma of your neo-conservative fascist mind all you life !


Yeah, too bad we have the freedom to say whatever we want in this country. what a bummer.
and its really too bad that when someone disagrees with the government or an idiotic president they are crusified and practically black listed. that is too bad.
how ironic that we have freed the Iraqi people and helped them tear down Suddams statues. they can now freely hate and criticize their leader. the same thing that seems to be taboo in our nation.


Nah, I don't like Robbins because while he was black listed, he said that the gov't was against him, and the world was against him...

But, a lot of other people got blacklisted, too.

He was just being an attention whore and paraniod.


And that is how I saved them and became KING Dumbass!!!


Jst b/c someone's conservative is no reason to harp on them.


I'm not in the least bit conservative. I just think her parents are pigs and shuold shut up and dance. That's what we pay them for.


"Yeah, too bad we have the freedom to say whatever we want in this country"

Just a reminder. The internet isn't actually a country. Not everyone is American. What a bummer.


"Just a reminder. The internet isn't actually a country. Not everyone is American. What a bummer."

ahaha thats the best quote ever!! if only the internet had bumper stickers!!

edit: oh wait! thats what message board signatures have become :\
