MovieChat Forums > Aerosmith Discussion > Opinions on the "Draw the Line" album?

Opinions on the "Draw the Line" album?

I give the "Draw the Line" album a 7/10, some great songs like the title track, I Wanna Know Why, Kings And Queens and Milkcow Blues, judging by the atmosphere of the album you can tell they weren't putting their hearts into the music while recording the album.


Of the first five Aerosmith albums, it's definitely the shortest and least popular. "Critical Mass" is great, the Hirschfeld cover is great, but the band were partying so much that at the time the record came out, many people thought they were washed up. It became one of those albums where the band blames the producer, and the producer blames the band for its relative failure. "Milk Cow Blues" (which I think is terrible) was only recorded because the band only had 30 minutes of material, which at that time made for too short of an album. They should have put "Chip Away the Stone" on instead.


I only like Kings and Queens. Get Your Wings, Toys In the Attic, Rocks and Pump are best IMO.


Decent album, not as good as the 4 that came before it but certainly anything better from the late 80’s onward.
