MovieChat Forums > J.J. Abrams Discussion > Apparently, this guy ruins franchises

Apparently, this guy ruins franchises

He brought back Mission Impossible after the mediocre second movie with a far better sequel that eventually led to a full revival of the series. Maybe that would have happened anyway, but he certainly didn't ruin anything.

He then brought back Star Trek, that was pretty much dead at the time, with a movie that was well received and considered one of the best in the series. The follow-up was also a success.

He also brought back Star Wars with a promising new movie that was well received and made over 2 billion dollars. The Rise of Skywalker wasn't that popular, but most people will agree that if any movie "ruined" star Wars, it was The Last Jedi.

So tell me, what franchises did he ruin again?


Yes he does, his films are nothing more than mystery boxes with nothing in it.


He ruins them in that he removes anything that made them special and uses them to make empty vapid effects-driven action schlock. In a way he kills the spirit of the thing and all you have left is this glittery zombie that appeals to audiences of disposable flicks half paid attention to. They make money at the expense of the legacy of the original works. In most cases the original fanbase is left with mixed feelings of betrayal and then apathy toward a franchise for which they were once excited. He's not the only one who does this; a lot of franchises have gotten hijacked lately. He just does it so often and so predictably that he personifies the bigger problem.


"He then brought back Star Trek, that was pretty much dead at the time, with a movie that was well received and considered one of the best in the series. "



What's so funny? It has the highest rating out of all the Star Trek movies.


Going by what IMDB, and RT? Those sites are owned and operated by media giants Amazon, and Warner brothers. Are you really gullible enough to believe that those sites are not completely compromised and biased? Seriously, you cannot be that naive...


>I don't agree with the rating, therefore there must be a conspiracy!


Ah, you're a fake news believer...


Sorry, but the "Kelvin" Star Trek is crap. Only people with total disregard for Gene Rodenberry's vision and short attention span wanted Star Trek to become a stupid ego driven action sci-fi like J.J Trek. His "success" was also directly responsible for the crappy "Discovery" TV series we got as well. And Star Wars sequels would have made tons of money anyway, even if Bozzo the Clown was directing them, because the hype was over the top. Hell, even "The Last Jedi" with Luke milking animal titties made a ton of money.
