Too clever and professional a writer for the illiterate masses
It appears that Abrams writes over the heads of the illiterate masses.
I hope he doesn't change to placate them, though, because THE FORCE AWAKENS was a work of genius that is before its time.
Probably only those trained in creative writing and Theater will notice this now, but it is quite obvious that this is a "drama" first. This is clearly the most professional screenplay of the series. It isn't just mindless adventure, but gives the illusion of mindless adventure.
Clever, subtle, way too subtle to be popular with the high school dropouts, of course.
But finally there is a film for the educated person. Bravo.
For those who are unaware of the real plot of THE FORCE AWAKENS, and a spoiler comes, it is the depression and nervous breakdown of the two siblings. Luke appears to suffer more from depression, seeing History repeat itself, not wanting to be a part of it, but wanting to change it, to make it better, and Leia appears to suffer more from the nervous breakdown, having made the horrible decision of asking the man in her life to bring back their son. When she finds the fatal error, she maintains her regal dignity, bottling it inside, the classical nervous breakdown symptom.
Yet through all this, Abrams cleverly uses ACTION and ADVENTURE to show this. Not to mention the most three dimensional characters we have yet to see in the series. The perfect heroine. One couldn't ask for better. And a fugitive from the armed forces that looks inspired again straight from an Oriental classic story, just as Star Wars was.
The villains are the best in the franchise to those who aren't Beavis and Butthead. They're motivated, and we can believe their motivation. This is a first in Star Wars History. That makes them scarier, the fact that we can find them believable. We could actually see such characters bring an order of evil into the world. That may be what really scares the "haters". Though I suspect most of the "haters" were actually jilted or spurned by a hot babe who looks like the actress playing the heroine. Believe me, that's quite likely.
I hope Abrams does hear from someone that some people do understand this, and that it is before its time, and that he just wrote too well for the ignorant masses (not a majority, but a plurality).
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!