MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Banks Discussion > Her Political Views make her Annoying on...

Her Political Views make her Annoying on Social Media

I unfollowed her she an "Oppressed" Female her Political Views are radical and she whines I missed the Days when Celebs only cared about themselves on social media also she is Patriots Fan *Gag*


I could care less about an actress political view.


Your problem is being on Social Media.



Instigates discussion on forum, doesn't want responses...


Lol. What is the age of the average user on Moviechat?
I think I can guess their emotional maturity. About 5 years old.


Sounds about right.


I am getting so sick of the idiotic trollish comments I get on stuff
that is years old from all these accounts that are new and just have
a few comments on them. This place is full of trolls ... and now
after several years ( however man years MovieChat has been around )
I think the world can call it a failure. There is not much of interest
here, except a list of movies, and a place to dump a list of movies one
has seen or thing one wants to remember about some movie.


Nah, his problem is the crazy feminazi bitch name Banks.


Yeah, I knew about her constant political bitching, but I didn't know she was a Patriots fan...ugh.

Jessica Chastain is the same way.

Every conversation with the media and every social media post is "I'm an oppressed woman, no one gives me a chance, it's so refreshing to see a "strong, independent woman" do this and that, yada, yada, yada."

I can't be lectured all day by people, especially people in's so ridiculous and self righteous, so I've cut my social media useage down by 95%, and I'm in a much better mood because of it.

I'd love to be as oppressed as Elizabeth Banks. That poor woman. Her situation is just so tragic. Lol.


Thank You


Oh yeah, most female celebrities are behaving the same way on social medias.

Stars became the most annoying people on Earth.


I stay away from most social media. I find it banal..


I agree but your writing is atrocious.


Stop harassing me


You forgot the period.


Quit Harassing me its movie chat forums not an essay its HARRASSMENT


Lighten up. I'm just trying to help.


Is that supposed to be English as a first language?
HINT - don't go criticize something or someone when you cannot write a single coherent sentence about, it make you look worse than whatever it is your are criticizing. Your English and communication skills are so bad you must be a Trump supporter ... so you have no right to criticize or say anything.


im, not a trump supporter nor am I radical Liberal I follow both conservatives and liberals on social media I can criticize them if I want ok They play people pretending to be other people who are trope codified who travel for a living its called accountability


White Western Women: The most privileged class of people in all of human history...have convinced themselves they are are oppressed by something, somehow...


Every wonder why these "oppressed females" never actually do anything for the oppressed females who are having their genitals mutilated?

Nah, I don't either, I already know why.
