MovieChat Forums > Drea de Matteo Discussion > Walked or Fired from the Sopranos?

Walked or Fired from the Sopranos?

Was it Drea's choice to leave The Sopranos or was its the producers' choice to write out her character? I'm asking this because on another show I watch, Stargate Atlantis, two main cast members, Paul McGillion were written out of the show against their wishes and replaced with a useless whiner (Jewel Staite) and a character from the parent show Stargate SG1 (Amanda Tapping)

I heard rumours that it was Drea's choice to leave because she was offered a part in Joey, but why would she leave The Sopranos for such a crapfest?


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The producer decided to kill of her character - and it won her an Emmy. The ep where she was killed was shot *months* before she was cast on Joey.


I heard she was fired

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I don´t think so, because adriana death was in 2004 and drea returned in 2006, she was on the sopranos finale season premiere, vanity fair magazine and offered to appear in last year in 2007


If she had been "fired" I doubt she'd have been at the subsequent series premieres or in the Vanity Fair article last year. A *lot* of Sopranos didn't make it to the final ep and they went into the show knowing some of them were going to get whacked. If Adriana was still hanging around til the end getting roughed up by Chris-to-phuh, she'd have never won that Emmy.


It's doubtful she was fired since she was on other episodes (flashbacks), and she probably didn't walk off. It's most likely, her character was simply written off.


Exactly , listen to her Audio commentary in season 5 (on the Box Set) which relates to the episode which revolves around her death . She clearly states the character was written out . She didnt want to leave the show , thats a certainty .


If you listen to the commentary she states the flashbacks were outtakes from season five, not filmed 1 or 2 seasons later.

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The seal is for marksmenship, and the gorilla is for sand racing.
