MovieChat Forums > Drea de Matteo Discussion > Weight Gain Like Crazy

Weight Gain Like Crazy

Anybody check her out on Califonication? She blew up something fierce! She doesn't look good. Big ole arms, wide torso..big bertha butt. She's a mess. I miss Ade from Sopranos!

You're going to have to work for your meal!




Yeah. I noticed that too. I wasn't entirely sure it was her because I've always seen her with such a tight body. I had to check here to see if she was credited with the Californication appearance. Did she have a baby recently?


Yeah, she did have her second baby in April 2011.


Well, good for her, but it's March 2012 and those Californication episodes were probably filmed 6 months after she gave birth (October 2011?). My daughter is 5 months old and my wife (who went back to work full-time 2 months ago) is back to her pre-pregnancy weight.


I was really surprised when I saw her in Californication. She's always been pretty fit. I saw her in Sons Of Anarchy season four several months ago and she was much smaller.

"I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


She blew up like the world trade *biggie voice*

A little disappointing didn't even realize it was her until I looked at her imdb page...


This episode with her was filmed in June/July 2011, so it was 2 or 3 months after she gave birth. Maybe she's not one of those woman that are back to the pre-pregnancy weight within 4 weeks, so what? I'm sure now she's back to size 0. I think the producers were looking for an oversized stripper with a foul mouth to show how far gone Bates already was with his heavy drinking and she had it all at that time. She was perfect for that little part. I never noticed her before but this little stripper part got me, I suddenly recognize her in other shows. Another example that having a cameo in "Californication" can boost your career.


If you can't work out what's wrong with your post you're a tool.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.
