MovieChat Forums > Owen Wilson Discussion > Yeah - WHY Can't the Question Be Asked?

Yeah - WHY Can't the Question Be Asked? -hall-pass-co-star-and-his-painless-redemption/

I am Jack's broken heart.


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Uhhh PROBABLY because it's none of anyone's *beep* business.

Frankly Miss Pussy, I don't give a damn.


It takes a strong man to stand up and say "I was wrong. I attempted to take the coward's way out and I failed." Like much of today's Hollywood, he lacks character and moral strength.


Of course the question can be asked and I am sure others will try to sneak in the question in the future. It is HIS private life, part of his history. If he chooses to discuss it that is his own business. I for one do not need an explanation. He is simply an actor I enjoy watching and nothing else. I am glad he appears to be doing fine and is still working. But it is none of "our" business.


Not everyone feels that suicide is the "coward's way out." Also, if he were to come to such a realization, I doubt he would tell it to the press. He would probably talk to his girlfriend, family or friends. It's discourteous to say he lacks "character and moral strength" because he chooses to keep his personal life to himself.





yes. ''lacks strength and moral character'' ?? what a stupid comment. if he chooses to keep his personal life, um, personal, it is his deal. dont judge him. your name isnt God , is it?


I agree -- those comments reflect an unfortunate, outdated, simplistic, and judgmental idea about the nature of depression and suicide. The poster has missed the radical shifts that have changed the way in which these things are viewed by the psychiatric community.

Depression is a real brain disease, not a "lack of moral character" (what is this the 1940s?),and suicide attempts need serious medical treatment, not criticism for a "lack" of "strength." What absurd comments. No doubt this kind of crap is one of the reasons that Owen doesn't want to discuss his private life with the public.
