MovieChat Forums > Jane Seymour Discussion > 'Open Hearts' look like a big letter 'Z'

'Open Hearts' look like a big letter 'Z'

When I first saw the commercial I thought it looked like the symbol for "Zales Jewelers" (a competitor). Like something "Zales" would give out as a free gift to their top sales person. And probably that person would only wear it at company functions. Begrudgingly. After they had been drinking for a while.
It's just plain gawdy, tacky and UGLY!


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I agree! It looks like something I would see around the neck of a great big fat gangsta rapper whose name starts with the letter 'Z'. Not around the neck of my wife. Or my mother.

I hope Kay's didn't invest a lot of money in her line.


Sorry, no. Did you used to have a different handle?


Sorry-still not remembering. Under which board did we first meet? What did we talk about?


Wait a minute-Are you from the East Coast, and did we talk about something very naughty?!?
