MovieChat Forums > Katey Sagal Discussion > Father was tragically killed like Vic Mo...

Father was tragically killed like Vic Morrow

I'm surprised that there haven't been discussions about this. Before there was Vic Morrow, there was her father, Boris Sagal: In some ways, I find this even more horrifying an incident than the one on the TZ set.


When was anyone NOT killed tragically?

You really did not think this through, did you? Just shot from the hip. You fit right in on the Internet.


"When was anyone NOT killed tragically?"

A bank robber getting gunned down by SWAT in a shootout?

A child molester getting shanked in prison?

An alcoholic who stands on a balcony ledge to impress friends and falls off by accident?

A home invader getting killed by a home owner as he's trying to burst in through the door?

A gang member who gets gunned down in retaliation for killing another gang member?

Enough rhetorical questions. Do you know what the adjective, tragically, means? If not, you can always look up an invaluable resource, such as Cambridge--->

Weird that in a post where OP was trying to kick off discussion about Katey Sagal's father, this is what you took away from it. Proves what I suspected about this site, that it's not a site for actual movie and TV fans but bored trolls who just post under whatever happens to be trending.


This R_Kane is a real joy of the party.


Check his posting history, he comes off like a condescending prick in literally every comment he makes...


Yes, I have noticed it even without checking his posting history... I have had my fair share of his cheerful attitude. :-)


That’s his way of making friends. 😀


Yeah, I've run into him before. He's always an asshole for no reason. And often, he makes statements like the one above here he might, say, pretend the usage of adverbs somehow makes one less intelligent when in reality, he just ends up looking like a fool.


Don't bother with R_Kane. He's like that with everyone.


There seemed to be a lot of gruesome deaths like this around this time. In 1977, Michael Findlay of Snuff infamy was killed on the roof of the Pan Am building when a copter keeled over as he was boarding.


In 1985 Claudio Cassinelli was killed while making Hands of Steel in a helicopter crash.
