Her Lips, Continued

I was reading on the blog about her lips in "1408", and this was after I had seen multiple "In Plain Sight" episodes. I thought her lips were a bit awkward in the television show but now I really notice it. And wow, that was most def a job gone terribly wrong. But as for people hoping it is temporary, I bring good news. Well actually some of you may have seen, most recent pics of her on Broadway in June and July show her with much MUCH more normal lips so there has been a good improvement. While they don't look like her 'original' lips, they aren't all lumpy and gross anymore!


If you've watched her show, you've seen her in just about every lighting situation and she still has duck lips in every one of them. I'm in my 50s, and have never seen anyone change that dramatically, in one specific spot and specially in one that is commonly worked upon.

I'm watching The West Wing on Netflix and came here while watching her second appearance (No Exit). I was shocked to see that it was the same woman from In Plain Sight. After reading your take on what might be the cause, I went to her last appearance on the show, the series finale. Two years later in real time, about five minutes for me, her rather thin upper lip had grown. Not as big as it would eventually become, but it was quite a dramatic change. So, it's not the lighting, probably not age, so it must be her health? What malady causes the upper lip to balloon for such a long period of time?

C'mon, face it, she's had some work done. It's no big deal, as just about everybody in Hollywood over 30, and about half under 30, have had something done. If it's just injections, hopefully the effect will fade over time, because she is a nice looking woman without those Lisa Rinna-like lips.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
