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Vote Trump! Tommy Lee says he'll leave the US if Trump wins

Stop voting for anyone who Hollywood freaks recommend.

"Dude, I swear to God if that happens then I’m coming over to visit the U.K.," Lee said in an interview published this week in The Big Issue.

"I’m out of here. I’ll go back to my motherland, go back to go Greece and get a house on one of the islands," Lee, who was born in Athens and raised in California, added.

The 58-year-old Mötley Crüe drummer told the magazine that having the former "Celebrity Apprentice" star as commander in chief makes the U.S. "embarrassing" for the rest of the world.

"I feel like people in Europe and the rest of the world look at America and think: 'What the f--- are you guys doing over there?' " Lee said. "Stop voting for celebrities and get someone real to run the country."


Yet you vote for a celebrity. Hmmmm


I don't understand why celebrities say it when they never do it.


Motley Crue would have to be one of the most Non PC bands around with encouraging (almost pressuring) women into flashing their tits etc. It is interesting he is trying to jump on the Left wing bandwagon.


Do you think that left-wingers hate tits? I’m liberal as can be, and I love tits. Flash away, ladies.


You are one liberal. Many others have the opposite view to yourself.


If we don’t like sex, then how do we keep making more liberals?




That seems to be their way.


You spelled “thinking” wrong.


Nope. Not being able to think for yourself is exactly how lefties reproduce.


God, I hope so. I’d like to get a few more Tinder girls pregnant before the election.


You know that the babies wouldn't be able to vote, right? No, you probably don't. Enjoy the paternity payments.


Yes, babies can vote my mail. Also, why would I pay for the kids when the taxpayers will do it for me?


No you are mistaken, generally speaking people on the left "feel" they dont "think"


Some people on the left believe that you should have unrestricted immigration.
It makes middle class/ upper class people "feel" good because they have a good life, and they want everyone else to have that opportunity.

However, when you "think" about it, increasing the supply of something, devalues it. So by importing an unlimited number of people into a restricted market, it reduces the value of an hour's worth of work.

So the lower class tier of society needs to struggle harder, because middle class / upper class people want to feel good.
All while most people on the left think that people on the right don't care about people or something. When in reality people on the right have had a "think" and they would rather do good, than feel good.


The feeling and not thinking is the whole problem in everything liberal... They never think through the consequences of what they want to feel better from. A great example is universal healthcare... they think hey it would feel so great knowing everyone got free healthcare.. but the ignorant liberals never think about how it going to cost trillions of dollars and those dollars will come from people paying more taxes... Even when you bring up that fact they "feel" they can get past it by just taxing companies instead of people...again too ignorant to think of the consequences of raising corporate taxes, companies don't pick money from the air to pay for any of their expenses whether taxes or electricity, they raise the prices of whatever they sell to pay for those things so higher corporate taxes means higher prices to the people so again the little guy gets fucked... but liberals are too ignorant to ever think through the consequences of what they want.


Just like many conservatives like tits, and many other have the opposite view. What are you even trying to say?


I can see trying to explain it to you would be a waste of time. I simply can't make what I already said any simpler for you to grasp.


You can't because it's nonsense... Liberals have always accepted and celebrated the human body. Conservatives are by definition the opposite of that. They repress it and shame you for accepting and showing off your body.


You're obviously not aware of much.


I can see trying to explain it to you would be a waste of time
You havent explained jack or shit to any of the multiple responsdents to your post , all very confused about what you think 'left' means
That alone should indicate to you that you might be , for want of a more detailed term , talking shit

I simply can't make what I already said any simpler
but no one understands you.


I'll define some terms for you

Currently / right now
- A liberal is center left
- MAGA is center right
- Democratic Party is pretty far left, deals with bernie sanders, green new deal etc
-- Also the dems on a state level bail out all the rioters for BLM, also dem's for the election haven't disavowed antifia or BLM (which is a Marxist org [aka far left])
- Woke / PC culture is far left, with crossover with the extreme left and is quite regressive

- KKK is extreme right, with 5,000 members approx, out of 350million Americans, that get zero press time, that have no association with anything MAGA is doing or Trump, with Trump disavowing them going back to 2016 (when he first got into politics)

I have not defined republican as MAGA is a movement in of itself, and it has essentially taken over the republican party for now, and none of the those old power brokers with the RNC have much juice at the moment, its all about Trump and MAGA (not republican policies per se)


If you consider yourself a liberal in the classic sense of the definition, then you are center left.

The current democratic party is on the extreme left spectrum at the moment, deals with Bernie Sanders, green new deal etc and all that.
Which also embraced the woke PC, #metoo moment, up until women started accusing Joe Biden of sexual assault, then all of a sudden we need the rule of law back, and lets not believe all women anymore.

Also for the most part, Trumps policies are center right if people take the time to look at them

Honestly if you are a liberal you should really hate that PC culture, its regressive and puts people into a box and essentially restricts free thought and human sovereignty


I'd say Republicans are most afraid of body parts. Has to do with the religious indoctrination.


Exactly. That's literally what conservative means! These days a lot of the right seems to forget that conservative groups were the original cancel culture, and honestly still are. Way back when and to this very day if a liberal's kid saw a butt or heard a swear word on tv, the parent would explain to them what it's about. If a conservative's kid saw a butt or heard a swear word on tv, the parent would freak out and complain about the actor that committed such an atrocity, the makers of the show, the network it's on, their cable provider, and then tell their Christian mother's group that they needed to band together to get it all shut down.

Conservatives are the reason for censorship going all the way back. Why do you think it took till Psycho in 1960 for there to be a toilet shown on the screen in America? Because it was deemed vulgar. That's how repressed we were back then. Do you really think that's because of anything but the fragile "Christian values"?


Wow, didn't know about the toilet story! This is scary stuff.
Very strange.
Remember Apocalypse Now?
It was OK to drop bombs on people but writing the word 'fuck' on them was unthinkable and unforgiving 🤯


And now it has all changed. You have the Left pushing for everything to be cancelled. Not so oddly enough if you look at 20th history, Socialism, you know that ideology the Left are in love with, has been the cause of more deaths than anything else.


Maybe, maybe not. Who is a republican anyway these days?
Trumps an independent with his own movement, with the republican party logo slapped on the side getting taken for a ride

Heaps of states that voted Obama in x2, turned around and voted in Trump in 2016
MAGA is a movement, people dont seem to understand that


I'm beginning to think nobody in the US has any clue what left or right means.

I mean take this for instance:
Motley Crue would have to be one of the most Non PC bands around with encouraging (almost pressuring) women into flashing their tits etc. It is interesting he is trying to jump on the Left wing bandwagon.

So your saying pressurising women into flashing their tits is a right wing thing , and as you're clearly a staunch righter - a good thing?
cos lemme tell ya , you're on the side of the religious nuts would would ban skirts above the knee if they could, hence the name 'Conservative'


Wow, ok let me try and wade through the ignorance here.

1/ I'm not American.
2/ I never said Motley Crue were "conservative" I said they were Non PC. Big difference.
3/ People don't know the difference between Liberal and Conservative nor do they understand that the modern Liberal is closer in ideology to the censorship mad conservatives of the past.
4/ The "Liberals" of today are on the side of the most crazy religion currently on the planet - Islam. A religion that would have women walk around covered head to toe.

So who is the real Conservative here by your own definition? Hmmmmm?


re 4
i didnt know there were "sides"

Are conservatives against Islam? what are they going to do re that? whats in the manifesto?


I would say you are clearly on a side of your own.


Some common thoughts generally speaking since you asked:
Restrict immigration pathways to only accept new prospective citizens that culturally fit with the rest of society.
To ensure proper integration is archived by migrants so they can be effective member's of society.
Where the society speaks one shared common language, and aligned under common understanding of what is publishable under the law.
So everyone can work together, be the best versions of themselves and create and develop their own communities based on cities, not race and skin color or immigration status.

With MAGA, Trump is putting a focus on the existing citizens, because lots of people are doing it tough in america, millions upon millions. Trump wants to get everyone sorted and good, before you start taking in people and ignoring the citizens that have been there for countless generations, year after year of paying tax. They have paid into the system, now its time the system looks after the American people.
Sounds reasonable.


With #4.

How is that?


Why not Mexico?



I wouldnt call 'admitting in an interview that the rest of the world sees your Pres as a joke ' pretentious. We do see it like that . what was he supposed to say?


I thought his dick was his pilot in life.



I hope someone is maintaining a list of all these fuckwits that say shit like this and then never actually follow through with it.


I recall that fat slob Amy Schumer saying the same thing before last election.


shes not a nice person


For me its Buttgieg or no butt at all


I'll be so glad when this old man ugly looking guy is no longer trending.
