Is this a happy ending?
With R Kelly being finally caught, found guilty and going to be sentenced? If life was an action movie, R Kelly is like a villain and him being jailed a happy ending? Or even a bittersweet one?
Also - many or some people incorrectly tend to bring up "racism" in comments but is the American Justice System inherently racist like that?
But then a guilty criminal IS a guilty criminal any way you cut it, right?
But anyways, is this a happy ending of sorts, and if he gets life or 20 years, is it something to celebrate?
(Although I am guessing, and I may be right, many a response here would say something to the extent of "Yes, it is justice" and whatnot, but life does not work out that way it does like a movie with "villains" and "happy endings" - and to some extent, those words may have merits, however much we do agree that Mr Kelly should pay for his crimes.)