MovieChat Forums > Jason Isaacs Discussion > Very Odd Question About Him

Very Odd Question About Him

Here's an odd question.

Anyone know what is shoe size is? I swear there is something wrong with me. If you can see his shoes in a scene, i will look at them. I don't know why. I don't like feet, I just like his shoes...

Now I sound like an uber creeper... damn...



I love anyone who actually might know XD


I don't actually know his shoe size, but he he has weird feet that he's said are hard to fit. (If you look at the bathtub picture, he has freakishly long toes.) He mentioned that whenever he does something involving boots, he always ends up keeping them because they have to be custom made and no one else can wear them.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a city to destroy. --Ra's Al Ghul


what's the bathtub picture...? O_o

Just curious...

"Edward Cullen - sexier than you since 1901!"


If you Google Jason Isaacs and click up on top for Images the first page has the bathtub picture.

Now that I'm looking at it.....his feet ARE big...



oh, wow, you were right. I googled it and found it on the second page...and he DOES have really abnormal looking feet. Not that it's a flaw of his at all :) He must have to bring his own shoes if they don't have any customarily made for him ready :P

"Edward Cullen - sexier than you since 1901!"


well, you know what they say about men with big feet...

sorry, it had to be done. it was unavoidable.

In this country, all Americans deserve equal rights… appletini.


Yes, men with big feet have...

Big socks and big shoes!!!!




WOAH! His toes *are* strange. Haha. Thank goodness for custom made shoes - I bet his still has his Lucius Malfoy boots then :)


Ugh I love those boots. I love his whole costume. He's a bloody genius for coming up with it! I do this thing where I try to base my guess off of my own foot size, but it doesn't work quite right... (I wonder why...*duh*)

He's a freaking gorgeous man so his...odd...feet are just another trait that is unique to him and makes him more awesome.



I mean COME ON! He HAS to have shoes custom made!
