Trump hate causes cancer
Be careful Trump Haters.Doctors say Kathy's cancer is treatable but you may not be so lucky...
shareBe careful Trump Haters.Doctors say Kathy's cancer is treatable but you may not be so lucky...
shareOn top of that, the severed head stunt should have brought about MAJOR charges that would've sent her right to jail.....I guess it pays to be "famous"?
shareMaybe in Russia or Turkey. Do you hate freedom of speech?
It was a blatant & very dangerous act of sedition, against the sitting President of the United States of America.
If it had been a 'conservative' holding the head of Obama they would most likely have taken the 'long walk' to the chair, because that's how radical & perverted the 'left' has become.
Not to worry though, as hate always self destructs, it always has, and it always will.
In relation to her illness, I wish her God Speed & hope she recovers, but as for her moral fibre, she has none, she's a stone cold narcissist, who committed a very serious act of sedition, end of story. *
shareCome now, TheArgentinian. I thought you were better than this.
The [deleted] individual was being *extremely* reasonable and fair-minded here, especially in wishing no harm towards, and in fact a recovery for, Griffin. Surely *any* reasonable progressive, like myself, can appreciate that.
That's not freedom of speech. That's a threat and possibly inciting violence. I hate Trump but I would never do that because that's crossing the line.
shareOh, lighten up.
shareWhat if someone had done that same photo to a relative of yours?
shareI personally think the world, and certainly the US, would be a better place if Trump was to drop dead. In all intellectual honesty, I can't possibly deny that, BUT samoanjoes, a fellow Trump-detester, is right. Wishing such extreme violence towards any individual, APART from someone who is presently engaged in a violent crime (e.g. child abuse, rape, an act of terrorism) is sociopathic and cruel, no matter how repugnant Trump may be.
Would you ask someone who made the same 'joke' about Biden or Obama to 'lighten up'? I know we can all be subjective and say "Well, unlike Trump, Biden and Obama have done nothing to merit such hate," and that may be true, but it's also a subjective opinion on our part, and if society is to properly function, there has to be UNIVERSAL and OBJECTIVE standards and principles that apply in ALL situations. We can't pick and choose when to be civil and reasonable. Those principles must apply to the worst *and* the best of us.
Maybe if she did it on the streets or outside the white house lawn but it was in a Magazine or some shit being marketed.
shareNot really. If you say you're going to kill someone in a magazine, it's still a threat.
shareArguably that makes it worse, particularly on the magazine's part, because it means that it *wasn't* simply in the heat of the moment, and wasn't even an act of protest. It was something that had been planned/thought out, rather than a passionate outburst. There was a process involved in it coming to publication, and at any time prior to the publication, someone could have said "maybe we shouldn't do this."
shareWell hopefully she suffers enough and learns a lesson.
shareSmoking vigorously due to Trump hate also brings about cancer. Trump also causes weight gain, according to Barbara Streisand. He's been known to cause mentally messed-up people to wander around in a daze for 4 years until he's out of office, and suddenly they're fine again.
shareTrump's election has caused me all manner of mental and emotional stress, but, ultimately there comes a point when individuals have to take some personal responsibility. Trump can and should be decried for practical policies that have caused tangible harm, such as locking children in cages and appointing justices that have denied women control over their bodies. But if one chooses to smoke, drink, eat, and exercise less, 'because of Trump', as much as I can relate to their emotional pain over Trump's Presidency, as personal decisions/choices they have control over, that's really on them. As heinous as Trump is, he didn't make anyone smoke (and in fact, the fact that he doesn't smoke or drink is arguably one of the very few things he does that sets a good example), nor did he make anyone gain weight.
shareBet she got the clot shots too.