MovieChat Forums > Oprah Winfrey Discussion > When did you realise she was evil?

When did you realise she was evil?

My first inkling was when she didn't mention Michael Jackson's passing. He didn't make her career, but he certainly established her as the number 1 television personality by giving her the 1993 exclusive interview, which was broadcast all around the world, opening her show up to new markets also as her fame grew.

She did a reflection episode on Michael when the fans demanded one, and it turned out to be her just talking about what a big scoop she had gotten.

She is a journalist, and views things in those ways.

But then she interviewed Katherine Jackson and the kids. And again, she talked about it as a 'scoop'. She is like a vulture, wanting to get information.

But what really took the cake was when I heard that Prince had a son who died but wanted to go ahead with his Oprah interview only a week or two afterwards. She played along with him saying everything was fine, but she went after his wife by saying "he says he wants to have 10 kids. What do you think?" and things of that nature. She was obviously trying to get her to break. Who goes after a woman who just lost her first child?

Then this whole 'leaving neverland' interview she did with the accusers. You can think Michael was guilty as sin all you want, but it was really uncalled for given that Michael had really helped her career and she was the first to interview his mourning children. She puts the knife in and then she turns it!

Oh, and the hypocrisy of going after Michael while being silent on her buddy Harvey Weinstein. Did she know he was a rapist? If she did, and she didn't care, what does that say about her morality?


First saw her show in the late 80's back then she still allowed her audience to participate. It seemed every man whether it be on the stage or the audience was evil. That was pretty much the standard for all talk shows back then. As time went on and I would occasionally see the show I noticed more and more Socialist tendencies.

She thought she was an educator, I think she even referred to herself as such but it was all bullshit.

She plays the race and gender card as it suited her. She is by the way very racist herself.

So overall I always knew she was evil but towards the end is when it became obvious she is a special kind of evil.

One show I caught which struck me as odd was she had teachers I think it was who had posed nude for magazines. She had one of them on the stage and they put the porn pics up on the screen, the woman was stunned, not expecting that. I guess it is funny in many ways but you would think you would ask or at least warn the guest?

But there are plenty of examples, supporting Weinstein, supporting Obama, giving away free cars that would end up costing people money. Being self righteous yet being ignorant. She is the perfect Socialist to be honest.



I thought she was phony for quite a while before i learned about all the shady & corrupt dealings/people she's in bed with behind the scenes topped off with her participation in the Michael Jackson media lynching that made it obvious that shew was an evil shrew who sold her soul.


Everything you mentioned. She also had a private road built specifically for her property in Maui that would significantly reduce the travel time of road users if she let the public use it but of course the selfish person that she is, she won´t. She was recently praised for it, for allowing firefighters to use her road so that people could evacuate brush fires in the area but obviously wouldn´t have been an issue if it had been open the entire time.
I remember her making some inappropriate comments about the Siamese twin girls she had on her show. Saying stuff, like, "What will happen when they start dating?" Trying to make some stupid joke about it. Talk about lack of sensitivity.
Also she has been proven a hypocrite time and time again as you mentioned and she already started to distance herself from the Jackson accusers not long after her special interview with them aired and deleted a bunch of tweets regarding the story after the Jackson estate said they were taking legal action against HBO. I can´t stand her!


Interesting issue about the road. So it’s not on her property, doesn’t access her property, but she paid for it, and it accesses a water tank. I have to assume she paid for it in case of a fire at her own property?


The thing about roads is that they cost a lot to maintain so unless the state agreed to maintain the upkeep, perhaps she felt it should stay private.


It´s obviously her own property but she´s a billionaire, she has no excuse not to share it. She tries to present herself as a kind hearted, generous person but its all an act. Any good deed she has done has been purely for publicity. She´s a fraud.


Funny about her getting praise for allowing emergency vehicles access to her private road. I'm pretty sure she didn't really have a choice. I know police can't be denied access to private property for emergencies, so I'm thinking fire departments are the same.


When Obama was running for president everything became a racial thing. She sucked money off of white women for decades and then turned on them like a rabid bitch.

Yep, she's an evil PoS.


I never thought of her as evil per se, but there was a moment when I finally said, "Aha! This woman's ego is even bigger than her behind."

Years ago she gave herself a birthday party, actually it was more like a testimonial. I think it was for one of those milestone birthdays, like 40. She invited a bunch of celebrities and they all got up and genuflected and sang praise and hosannas to Oprah. I would never have known about it, except she showed clips of it on HER SHOW!!

She sat there, trying to look so shy and modest, embarrassed at "GASP!" all that butt kissing coming her way. What a big fat phony. Good grief, the compliments and praise! I was waiting for the grand finale, when Oprah treated us to a clip of her walking on water.

And her pompous puss on EVERY SINGLE cover of O magazine... Okay, okay, we know by now it's your magazine. It's stands for Obnoxious and Overbearing.


When she pulled a Jussie before Jussie and accused that store of racism. It was complete horseshit.


When you told me she was.

I obviously don't give her the free rent in my head like your lengthy post suggests you do.

Hope you get over it.


Not sure about "devil" status, but she is a gigantic and egotistical asshole!

